Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

We Create Our Own Reality


Some of us cringe away from the thought that we create our own reality. It is not that we don’t want a wonderful life: far from it! Sure, in theory we want to use our personal power but how can we feel ok about all the kinds of things that can show up in our lives?

It scares us off from taking power if we anticipate having to face that we screwed up so many opportunities, so much unwanted that fell onto our life path. We say, “Oh my goodness, how could I take responsibility for that—I would feel so much guilt! What if I CAUSED a serious occurrence? What if my daughter suffered a mental illness, my mother had cancer, or I earned low wages? Then I would feel so blamed and maligned. The feelings of shame would drown me! Oh dear too much to bear.”

Acton Bog III, 16 x 20, $395

If we want to stand tall in the creating ability we have, we tune with greater attention to where we place our focus. We are able to marshal our energies even as some unwanted events are unfolding.

As we practice, we learn to seek the good in the circumstance and find it.


One woman, Nancy, reached to get better at this focusing. One rainy day our star turned into a small awkward parking lot, traveling too fast. A car was standing idle in the entrance and N could not stop in time. She hit the car. There was a crash, with much damage to the vehicles.

Nancy, very shaken, and felt the pull to begin calling herself terrible names in her head. She felt sick, rallied to make the requisite calls. In about 20 minutes, this heroine noticed that others treated her with kindness. The policemen were considerate; the nearby shop keeper invited her inside to get out of the rain to make needed calls. They offered her water.

It was a significant event, and she had the power to feel human contact around her.

If we choose an aware path, we gain strength from everything that shows up. We do look for the good and find it in all experiences.

Capacity Building

Yes, we feel stronger in shaping our lives when we love and trust ourselves. So many of us experienced much criticism and shaming in our upbringing.. Those who feel called to a powerful stance can develop new habits of thought to accept ourselves.

If we decide we want to do so, each of us can reclaim good feeling with step-by-step progress.

Want to know more? Please read the post next week to review some “how-to” clues.

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