Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

May 10, 2021
by Janet Pearlman

Robust Flow from Unwanted

It is a strong cultural habit of thought to complain when some event occurs that we very much do not want: serious injury, death of a loved one, a job that does not come through and more. That habit might include, “Poor Me!”
Readers of this blog reach to replace that habit with clearer thinking and with positive attitude. Such events offer us opportunity. As Darren Weissman, author of The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude, calls it, “Gifts in Strange Wrappings.”
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December 1, 2020
by Janet Pearlman

Top Priority Self Care

Some of us may find ourselves pressured by family or friends who are asking us to do things for them that present us with difficulties. We may prefer keeping those around us happy, and sometimes two of them make requests that are opposite one another. What to do then? Here’s some guidelines that Bobbie May followed that proved valuable to her. Continue reading

(Mission statement here).