Each day as we grow on this journey, we can awaken more and more to the power of our focus! We enjoy the flow of creation and we pause when we feel less than good and inspiration momentarily wanes. In that case, we switch where we look, reboot and rest. Continue reading →
We can find ourselves so irritated at another. If we are spit on, it is tempting to spit back. Does spitting back serve us? With that we are focusing on what we do NOT want. Keep perusing to hear about another approach. Continue reading →
We are committed to this path of growth. So many of us are finding our personal power and inspiring ourselves and others. Noticing where our thoughts are running is such a key! If we feel other than good, we decide to reach toward uplift, feeling better bit by bit. Continue reading →
We have lived situations where we are triggered into an upset. At times the upset seems to continue and our unhappiness deepens. The Abraham Hicks teachings labeled this phenomenon “tarbaby”. We are uncomfortably kind of stuck in goo. Continue reading →
We want to align with Source Energy, tuned to Divine Wisdom. When we are so aligned, we are feeling as good as we can in this moment. Great expression of kindness to ourselves, too. Continue reading →
What a glorious moment when we realize we can “protect” ourselves by NOT fighting back. What if instead we strengthen and stabilize our own knowledge of Well Being. Continue reading →
Many of us were raised with the impression that we had better behave well in order to keep the love coming to us, to receive that attention that nurtures us. Continue reading →
We flash strongly with our emotions. Our upsets create a color across our perceptive field. “That is the way it is,” we pronounce. Pause, pause. Continue reading →
We want to fill ourselves with positive thoughts and feelings more and more. As we feel less than good, we want to shift, focus toward improved thoughts and feelings, gain personal power. Continue reading →
We all work so hard. We are taught to pull our weight and try our best. In this post we are exposed to a different approach: one where we allow more ease in our lives. To begin let’s read this passage from Emmet Fox, a spiritual teacher from first half of the twentieth century. Continue reading →