Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Recovery Process from Self Blame


Often and consistently, many of us want to think as positively as we can, especially about ourselves! Oh my, but my thoughts do regularly stray to self blame! Some situations can feel overwhelming and out dated patterns of self talk can start to run in our heads. As we progress on our path, we find more kindness to ourselves and more ease. Here is a story to inspire our forward movement.

Georgia and Self Talk

I Evolve, 24 x 30, $595

Georgia received some money from her sister, invested it and lost a chunk of it. G blamed herself thinking, “I could have bought a lot with those funds that slipped away! I feel awful!”

This dear woman’s fear about money got stimulated and hurt came up about past financial projects that did not go well. G fear every morning

Our heroine sought help to regain her strength and belief in abundance. What to do, how to shift?

Enter the Mentor

The Mentor responded,

  1. “It’s such good news that you want to clean up this thought pattern that makes you wrong and creates more of what you do not want. How wonderful that you notice! Good that you want to shift more and more so that the positive thinking trends forward and has more power to attract.
  • You can make it ok, however you feel at this moment.

 Cultivate compassion for yourself.

  • On this human journey, you practice thought patterns again and again. What a worthwhile undertaking!
  • Appreciate whatever you can. Perhaps you can build in times of the day when you purposely pause to notice what is going well.
  • Flow with what is easiest. And offer yourself plenty of rest in your day.
  • What you are doing is enough!”

Outdated thought: “It is taking me so long!”

In addition, our heroine realized she was on a journey of changing deeply held habits of thought and that shifting these will take some focusing over time. This is what the growth looks like for everyone.

Outdated thought: “I should be giving more service to the world”

When we are feeling frisky, full of life, feeling good, flowing and creating—tuned in, tapped in, turned on—we are giving abundantly to this dear planet.

We are one with humanity and when we thrive, we contribute mightily.

So many of us can relate to the way Georgia found herself repeating self-blaming patterns.

Feeling Success

Notably this protagonist felt great relief as she shifted her thinking. G tasted the ease that is possible. For additional help she received some Jin Shin Jyutsu and knew profound release in her body as well. And she supports herself with the directive; “Keep Going!”

Please share your stories of lifting your own self talk. Do you have a question? Please ask it! Together we are creating a more satisfying journey!

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