Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Re-boot Toward Ease


Emerging in Oranges, 24 x 30, $525

Emerging in Oranges, 24 x 30, $525

We know how powerful we are when we notice our thoughts, focus on appreciation and tweak our attitude toward a more loving one. Isn’t it great to receive inspiration for how to do that more masterfully and frequently? Won’t this be useful for these times! Please read about how we can wake up to what is in our mind and make ourselves new.

Warrena was dating a fellow for a couple of months.  The experience was exhilarating and a bit scary all at once. The dear man received a traffic violation one dark night. W cringed inside—she started to judge

both him and herself for “being with him.”

When she first became aware of her thoughts, here is what she heard:

“This person does not pay attention.

This person is not a good driver.

I am at risk if I ride with that person.

This person may keep doing this.

I am reluctant to associate with a man with this kind of behavior.”

The tightening in her gut demonstrated the bodily effect of her fear.  Our heroine wanted to pull away from this man. Words like “Get me out of here.” came to W’s mind.

Warrena took a breath. “Wait a minute! Where did I just take myself inside? Somewhere not loving and somewhere I do not want to be. Ok how do I recover?

I can start here. Have I ever had a moving violation? Yes I have.”

I forgave myself. I have thought of myself as a good driver. In fact, our star recalled that after her getting a ticket ( going 40 mph in a 25 mph zone), she renewed her alertness in driving, paying closer attention. Actually, that incident inspired her to become a better driver. Whoa good to notice what a traffic blip can inspire.

This train of thought put her mind on a more uplifting track. W was bringing some relief to the judgment and fear running inside her.

Yes, this dear woman felt freer, easier and more open.  The experience prompted her to watch for the good in her companion. What a different life we all can live if we catch ourselves in the creating a trail of fear and change the course!

How much more relaxing to realize the power to notice when anxiety and intimidation are triggered and with focus return to an easier mental state, again feeling pleasure in the moment!

What is happening now that I can enjoy and appreciate? What a gorgeous spring! So many people collaborating and giving of themselves! New solutions popping daily!

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About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. She has a gift for inspiring others to know themselves compassionately and to develop skills of empowerment. In her forty-three-year journey of self-discovery, she has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl@streamofyes.com to arrange an appointment.


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