Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

How to “Get Ahead” with Ease


Moment at Mint Spring, 16 x 20, $475

Moment at Mint Spring, 16 x 20, $475

Many of us want to “get ahead,” to build some new business or skill. Let’s look at how we can allow ease and flow on the path to success.

Lucinda has succeeded in one healing art. Currently she wants to move toward another which excites her.

“Can she meet the challenge of becoming a practitioner of this modality?” she wonders.

In a recent conversation,  as our star talked about her desire for certification her language was peppered with ” I don’t know if I can…”

To her right now this pursuit seems like a big deal, she wants it, but… she has doubt about whether she can fulfill this dream.

How to move toward a lofty goal with ease? Bit by Bit, while appreciating what is showing up along the way. For Lucinda here is what is already flowing:

  1. She met Kate, a woman already certified in her chosen art. They have begun meeting to trade sessions. It was thrilling that our heroine, as just a beginner, was able to facilitate Kate to experience a big release and insight.
  1. When a friend is in distress, Lucinda drives over there to assist. She’s practicing and those lucky associates are feeling better.
  1. Another more advanced practitioner is loaning  her a set of training cds in this modality.
  1. Kate has a recording of an online program of speaking in this art to lend our dear one.
  1. Online Lucinda discovered a program of information, free and current.

“Look how well it is already flowing!” I said to her when she asked again, “Can I really do this?”  Isn’t it fun to observe how her path forward is already presenting itself!

Her thoughts habitually went to to the absence of what she ultimately wanted– a need for it to show up now. Instead,  this adventurous woman began awakening to how she was already attracting plenty to learn, digest and grow!  She was open to more trust that  this impressive bounty would continue to flow.  And she started to feel better right away.

Having learned new modalities myself, I know it takes some time. She’s set herself up to get tons of information and plenty of practice.

Point: we think we need to push hard even while we review our doubting thoughts.

Why not look for ease, enjoy what is presenting and practice filling our minds with appreciation of that.

A shift and she is allowing even more. Her new art is flowing to her. Her transformation is happening.

We can TRUST that we want can come to us. We can allow ourselves to RELAX.


find satisfaction now


feel good


focus on gratitude

notice the flow.

Wow letting a goal pop. Envisioning help. Seeing it. Delight and Ease as stuff we want shows up.

Hee Haw!  What a change from our earlier training!

Have comments or questions? Want to send a story of yours? Please comment.  We can show one another how this is possible. Be easy about all this!

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