Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Example of Personal Power


We benefit from reading examples of the application of personal power. Please enjoy this story of the activation of body, mind and spirit, the use of tools to help ourselves with quick results.

The Malaise

Elements of Home, 30 x 40, $625

Gladys wanted to relish her last evening on vacation. The next morning, G would head home driving seven hours two days in a row before arriving at home. After having share dinner with her hostess,   she noticed abdominal discomfort. Impressive waves of nausea were passing through and a bit of a headache too.

“Wait a minute!” this dear woman exclaimed, “Let me address this right away.” Using her knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Gladys placed her right hand on where her neck meets her shoulder. And, she sat on her left hand. These hand positions have reliably soothed feelings of nausea for her. Holding for twenty minutes G felt some relief and then relaxed her arms.

In a few minutes, G observed the ill feeling arising. “I want to turn this condition around. I want to be well for tomorrow,” our heroine affirmed to herself.

Turning in early, Gladys went to her room to apply more hands and focus her intention. First some soothing words. “It will be ok not to leave. I am welcome to take another day to recover if I need to. I can feel that gentleness.”

Then, laying on her side, G applied those hand positions for relief of nausea. After a few minutes, she felt the nausea ease. With it flowed a sensation of well-being.

As this lovely person experienced relief, it was easy to review what a wonderful trip she had had, including feelings of deep friendship, the fun.

The Spiritual Treatment

A spiritual treatment is an invocation for what you want, a form of prayer. Here is the steps Gladys followed that night:

  1. Bring to awareness the awesome Power of Love, Well Being and Unity. Feel into it. It Surrounds You
  2. Embody this Force of Good. You are its agent!
  3. The declaration: I am vigorous now.
  4. Appreciate your health
  5. Realize only what is for the Highest Good will unfold.

G also applied an essential oil for digestion.

Then she focused on these steps as she drifted off to sleep.

Next morning Gladys had slept fine. As she was first awakening, G felt some bit of weakness, a residual from the previous night.

She decided to reapply that Jin Shin Jyutsu hand positions and to repeat the spiritual treatment.

This empowered woman devoted some time to bask in this relaxation. Before too long she arose and felt her strength rise up.

Quote from Ernest Holmes

This quotation amplifies the personal power.

“As we surrender all littleness and all fear and doubt, that great river of Life flowing from the Mind of God will renew our vigor, remake our strength, ennoble our being, heal our bodies and bring peace to our hearts.

As our thoughts are cleared of all that is unlike Him who created us, they become receptables for the outpouring of all that is good, wonderful and true.” [1]


When Gladys walked downstairs to breakfast, she felt ready for packing up and a full day of driving.

Murmuring sweet nothings into her own ear, she knew vitality was streaming.  G had succeeded in using her personal power to affirm her health, clear her mind, and embrace her journey.

Do you have questions about how to apply personal power to your own dilemmas? Please comment with your questions or email jpearl@streamofyes.com. The author would value the opportunity to be of assistance to you.

[1] Holmes, Ernest, 365 Science of Mind Reader, (New York,:Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penquin, 2001)111

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