Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Active Flow of Good


Have you become aware of how Good flows to you easily? It’s fun to notice! Below a simple example of how one woman asked for and received what was wanted.

The Story

Emilen loves feeling the flow of Good and to encourage it, she makes lists of what she appreciates each morning. 

Near Taylor Creek, 30 x 40, $725

Near Taylor Creek, 30 x 40, $725

Then during the day she watches for what inspires her as she goes through her day:  her drive to and from work, her job, her interactions and more.

One morning Em started her contemplation noticing her feelings. Wow she realized how alone she felt, and it was not comfortable. E desired more companionship, and our dear one asked the Forces of Good for greater emotional satisfaction. Just as she finished this journal entry,  her phone rang. Br-ering!

Oh my, a close friend inquired whether Emilen could meet later that day to show her Em’s current art exhibit.  That would be fun.

Then back in her quiet time, our heroine followed her ritual to pull two oracle cards: “Perfect Timing” and “Emotional Healing”. How perfect! Source Energy placed a wet one on her cheek

An hour later another friend called to chat. More time passed, then a third dear one reached out to our star. That day Emilen got so much attention, the wanted camaraderie.

The Universe was asked and Bim Bam Boom our protagonist got fast results! Yowser!

Additional fun flowed to E when she ran again in her mind the power she has and the outcomes she got. She relished the pleasure of it!

What happened

We encourage good to flow when we regularly appreciate what we can. We live life, at times experience unwanted emotion, and we feel and acknowledge that. From that contrast, we realize what we do want.

Why not make where we are ok for now? We can observe what follows next– easily some “everyday” miracles. We can watch what flows to us.

Want to tell us a story of what you wanted and what flowed easily to you? Did you create an atmosphere with appreciation?  Please comment or ask a question. This discussion is juicy!

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