Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Calm Fear


Let’s develop the skill to soothe ourselves when we feel a fear reaction. There is so much pay off to do so. When we skip fear or switch out of it, we remember how much Good is always flowing.

In this illustration Marlo calms a fear and then is able to reap the benefit of the Good that follows.

Ode to Urs, 20 x 20, Acrylic on Canvas

To Begin

Marlo loved showing her art. This story begins as she begins to hang the show at a showroom venue. The show will hang in three rooms.  In one of the rooms the wall offered no art hanging feature. The venue   coordinator informed her that she would have to use one of the 3M Adhesive products from the Command Damage Controlling Line.

Our heroine is not familiar with these products and does not consider herself handy. The opening was the next day. Suddenly, Marlo felt fear at an early stage.

Receiving instructions to go to a nearby store, M went off to acquire needed product. This dear woman bought something, her best guess of what was available, came back.  The item’s adhesive was not strong enough. Our star got more anxious.

Marlo turned to another venue staff, Elise, to request assistance.  At first that Elise grumbled, “I thought you knew how to hang art shows.” M’s jaw tightens and she reaches for composure.

Signs of Solution

In another few breaths, this second staffer remembered a solution that worked in a past exhibit. E agreed to put in hooks along the window frames by tomorrow for the use of our dear one.

Filled with unease, M left and stopped to get an additional 3M product that she thought might work– in case she needed it.

Awareness of Inner Life

At home over night, M cried, “OMG the exhibit opens tomorrow and is not yet complete!” She called a friend for support.

While sharing, this protagonist felt calmer, then she had a clearer thought: the gallery staffer will put in those hooks as she committed.  Elise wants the opening to go well and look good.

Marlo awoke to her own thought stream: she scared herself by envisioning things going badly.

Once those hooks are in place, the remainder of the display is easy to assemble. For heaven’s sake, M could trust Good to flow.


The next day M texted the coordinator to check whether the hooks were in place and ready for the hanging solution. They were!

Midday our star went to finish the exhibit and all went well. In fact, she got additional unexpected assistance to get the show in place.  Near opening start time, yet more help came her way to fit more photos on the walls.

For part of a day, Marlo had blinded herself from seeing that the problem was being easily solved. She had gotten afraid. Meanwhile Good was right there, assistance came quickly in unexpected forms

Won’t it be helpful for each of us to notice what we are feeling? Then when we notice our own perspective clouded with upset, we can pause till calm returns. It is so worthwhile to find balance before drawing conclusions or acting on what appear to be problems.

We can trust Life more than we formerly believed!

Do you recall some incident from your life where something similar happened? Want to share? Please comment! We uplift one another!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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