Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Surprise Assistance Provided


We pursue our growth. On this path we attract help in unexpected ways.

Increasing our sovereignty over our thinking, each day we want to live more and more in playful mode.  Self-compassion flows from us. No, not just that we can list appreciations of our talents and achievements: we start to know the innocence and purity of heart with which we were born. Feeling that affection for our dearness the way a dad fills with love as he holds his newborn.

What happens when we do this

Flowers Arising, 36 x 38, Acrylic, SOLD

more and more? What support flows to us to further feather our nest?

The Story of Catalina

Catalina was dating, a new relationship beginning to unfold in the last few weeks. Consciously she had been becoming more light-hearted and steadily practiced self-compassion. Building the ability to support herself more consistently felt great.

As she grew a bit closer to the new fellow, remembrances of her first and longest lasting love stirred. Great to notice she was healing.

Many years ago, when our star had parted ways with this long-term partner, a metaphor bubbled up in her: emotionally processing this is like trying to take a bite out of an iceberg. How and where do I begin? Yes, indeed for her it would be a big job.

Proceed to livet C did dancing, painting, having adventures, and stretching into living with more consciousness. Recovering resilience, clarity and beginner’s heart increased overe the years; she gained more confidence and personal power.

At times our lady felt downright effervescent, feeling more joy than ever before.

More time transpired. In the current relationship dates turned to visits. The two felt closer.

The Lead Up

The next get together was in a few days. One morning Catalina surprised herself as she realized, “I want to play a cd bought in the early 1990’s. Gosh I have not wanted to hear this piece for 20 years!”

Yes the experience of listening triggered off memories loaded with feelings: tenderness, happy memories, some nostalgia. C found herself crying for five minutes, feeling relief as old feelings released. She played the first two cuts, all that was needed.

The Surprise

In the next morning, our heroine came downstairs to read her email. There was a message from this former lover.  How cool was that? Just receiving a rare infrequent email so shortly after feeling deeply about him., WOW.

And More

The content of the email immediately brought her into present time. The fellow, married to another now for many years, stated he missed her. He shared his fear experienced due to the lockdown and perceived risk to his health.

Our star noticed, “Hey wait a minute! I feel no attraction to this man. Quite the contrary, this dear one knew how different she was now from who he recalled and how much she had grown in a different direction from him. This sender was not a match to her now.”

Wrap Up

 Catalina keeps looking for good feeling and opening her heart more and more—to herself and others. Reaching, living happily, taking risks, this heroine models for all of us both how day to day can look and how an unexpected hand appears to smooth the way.

Do you have stories of receiving a surprise assist from Spirit? We would love to hear them. Reading them cheers us all on!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. She has a gift for inspiring others to know themselves compassionately and to develop skills of empowerment. In her forty-three-year journey of self-discovery, she has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl@streamofyes.com to arrange an appointment.













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