Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Tips to Flip My Mood for the Better


These blog posts advocate reaching for thoughts that feel better. As we practice paying attention to our thoughts and feelings, we find ourselves more sensitive and catching ourselves feeling not so good more easily. When we notice, we have the power to make a switch, a good thing!

Below read about what we might notice and tips on easing into a better mood.

Following Impulses III, 24 x 30, $595

I. Gladys woke up to the fact that she was peppering her self talk with “should” on various topics.

First, she can make it ok to notice this habit “I should have done that differently.”

“Gosh,” G thought, “becoming aware is required to start the shift.”

“Saying should is like holding myself to a standard from the past. It brings up worry and feelings of not enough. As I connect to feeling good, I rely on what comes to me in this current moment instead of turning to what I once thought back when.”  

II. Candi noticed she reviewed problems with this approach: “ On the one hand, on the other hand.” Around and around this woman went, analyzing, then getting confused.  “This self talk does not even feel even a little bit better.”

She discovered asking herself , “What do I WANT?” works better for lifting her mood.

Our star fired up the imagination about what is wanted, picture it and how good it will feel.

“What do I want, why do I want it” often leads to feeling at least a little bit better. Candi kept flowing with envisioning the dream that comes.

III. Jeremia had experienced some events that seemed of particular good fortune. J realized that thinking about them brought the positive gestalt of them back up for her.

“Wow,” she decided, “I am going to make a list of these times and keep it handy. I can review it when I don’t remember how good things can be.”

IV. Luna caught herself in self criticism, calling herself “a jerk.”

She, too, found it so helpful to make whatever happened ok.

L was building strengths as she went forth including noticing a habit she is in the process of shifting.

Also, this dear woman is training herself in self support, accepting her process of her life, noticing how much good flows and things work out with less effort or strain.

V. Inanna was opening up to many of her good qualities. “Great to develop a roster of stellar attributes as they popped into focus and keep track for another time. I loves to breathe into those, and feel upbeat and satisfied.”

VI. Tarryn likes to play electronic solitaire.

She finds that distracting herself from a stressful situation assists her to find balance and get some refreshing breath.

Also in her relief toolkit, T takes walks, juggles, cooks some nourishing food, or watches some comedy on youtube.

VII. Solene realizes that she was noticing things about which she did not approve. So much she did not want! And that did not feel good.

This heroine decided to spend more time putting vector into becoming aware of what she DID LIKE.

S practiced appreciating the surroundings, the sky, the nature, her colleagues, and even herself. :)

Do any of these examples provide a helpful example to you? Isn’t it great to realize each of us has the power right now to shift toward feeling just a wee bit better.

If you experiment with these ideas, please share the results as you comment. Reading those findings assist us all to feel better and inspire us to focus on what works for others.

We light up our world together!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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