Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

New Calm


We practice living in the present moment, trusting the Forces of Good to provide us with guidance we need as we proceed. We experience fewer stressed thoughts and emotions and notice increased self-mastery bit by bit. Here is one incident where the protagonist realizes her strengthening personal power.

The Story

Jigsaw Crozet, 20 x 20, $495

Meredith loved art and pursed it in her free time beginning in her mid-twenties. By her thirties Meredith had studied acrylics painting and produced work applying a texture onto paper before painting. In that period she created some pieces on large pieces of heavy paper – about 35″ x 50″.

For a birthday M asked her two close friends to accompany her to a frame shop and specify how to get a few pieces framed in glass—a few small and one large.  The big work hung in her home for about 8 years. Then our star moved it to VA, where it hung for 15 years in an apartment. Then Meredith rented a bigger apartment and has lived there 7 years.

Discovery of Damage

Presently our heroine creates a healing art room in her dwelling and determines she would enjoy hanging the big glassed art again, With a helper she opened its cardboard box from the last move. Meredith’s friend sees the glass is cracked, the piece was broken, unusable as it is.

“Oh,” this dear one thought, “What a bummer. That’s disappointing!” They closed up the cardboard and moved on to other preparedness tasks for the rearranging.

Improved Attitude

Usually M would be upset, blaming herself for the mishap. She had not made sure the artwork was packed competently.

Today Meredith was able to stay in the now. “Gosh, “M pondered, this item broke 7 years ago. Apparently, I can live without it because it has not hung recently. I am ok right now.

“In the past this piece showed to me that I ‘a good artist.’. All these years and scores of paintings later, I no longer feel that piece ‘proves’ my talent.

It does not feel good to blame myself (in fact it feels horrible to shame myself with self-blame) nor to blame someone else (the movers.)

The heroine is awake to continuing without the blame drama. Instead, she can look into rehabbing the damaged piece, remove broken glass and researching alternative and less expensive ways to hang the piece.

As a result of her inner work, the star can experience this episode with a new calm and relish the personal power. What a fun alternative to experiencing a significant emotional upset!


After a few days, Meredith visited a frame shop and discussed getting new glass for the piece.  This woman is thrifty with her money. Somehow though coming from balance and optimism, the estimated price from the shop seemed worth considering—about what she had paid in the 90’s.

She mused, “I am learning how  to let life be easy. I like it very much! Ahh! A new calm! A new life!”

Do you want to share a story where you noticed how far you have come in your self-mastery? Please write it in the comments. We empower one another!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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