Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Gaining Power Over Uncomfortable Topics


We want to fill ourselves with positive thoughts and feelings more and more. As we feel less than good, we want to shift, focus toward improved thoughts and feelings, gain personal power.

Sometimes the company we find ourselves with challenge us. There are those among us who want to share their traumatic stories. What if we find this scary? What to do?


River Scene, 20 x 20, Acrylic, $500

Gabby brought this problem to her Wise Counsel. Recently, G got together with a new friend, Lydia, for a cup of tea. Lydia had a troubling past and for the third or fourth time wanted to share intensely with our heroine.

Gabby realized this frightened her.. G felt her internal resources of positivity taxed, threatened and swamped over by this outpouring of a dramatic hurtful story.

What can Gabby do? She had wanted to be friendly but how to keep her balance?  She turned to Wise Counsel


Wise Counsel: Of course, we each have the power to choose what company we keep. You could decide not to spend much time with Lydia because she puts so much focus on unwanted.

However, as we grow in self mastery, we have the option to protect our inner self in a stronger way. In effect to have tools for rising above the fear reaction in ourselves.

What if we reached inside ourselves to draw down protection from Source Energy now in this moment. One example: we can envision a cone of Protective Light surrounding as the negative talk feels threatening. Some folk might call upon an Archangel to ward off danger.

As we evoke protection, we claim our strength. We can say to ourselves, “Wait a Minute! I need not be subject to your fear. I am not a victim!”

Some folk might doubt this could work. Granted, rising to strength in a moment likely requires practicing, liking any muscle needs working out.

Real Life Illustration

In her book Left To Tell[1], Immaculee Ilibagiza, describes a chapter in her life surviving the Rwanda Holocaust in 1994.  Throughout that harrowing adventure Immaculee prayed almost without ceasing, building a close connection to Source Energy. Again and again she was rescued from danger.

At one juncture, as she and a group of people traveled toward a shelter, they came upon a band of the “bad guys” wielding machetes.  Immaculee called out internally for assistance: she reports in response the surrounding marauders seemed not able to move closer to them. It was like a force field of love laid over them. They got past that threat.

That story is meant to inspire you to go after greater strength in handling unwanted influences. If you want to, you can summon greater and greater power to protect yourself.

Of course you do not have to spend much time with associates who carry negativity. Point here: you need not fear them.

Gabby was silent for a minute. She listened attentively and soaked up those words. “I see your point and it does inspire me. Thank you. I feel myself sitting taller and acknowledge greater possibility.”

How do you relate to this story? Would you share times when you prayed and gained needed protection? We admire your accounts.

[1] Ilibagiza, Immaculee, Left to Tell, (Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc, 2006)p.177

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