Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Fear, Blame, Recovery


Many of us are gripped with fear when we or a loved one receive a scary health report. Even for those building his or her personal power, this kind of news can rock our world, triggering strong emotional response.

We can make it through such a passage. Read more below.

Help to Shift Thinking

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Brygida heard that her husband, Gerald, had an unwanted health report. The screening of a stool sample resulted in a finding such that doctors recommended an investigative procedure.

B lived her life employing natural health maintenance tapping selectively into western medicine screening procedures. Gerald listened to his wife’s thoughts and then used his own judgment; He leaned more toward following the protocols used by physicians and their specialties.

With that news very soon Brygida recognized that she was panicking. Soon she telephoned a wise friend for some calmer perspective.

B: “It’s my fault. I thought Gerald could get the screening test every three years. Now we see that if it had been annually this abnormal cell discovery could have been spotted earlier.

I thought like it was me. I follow a careful diet with detoxifying and nutrifying woven in. He does not do that.

G started to blame me as well. He was following MY advice.

I don’t want him to have cancer. Oh my God!”

Friend: “This is a finding on an early test. You don’t know how much ‘disease” is involved if at all.

Let’s look at this business of blaming yourself.

Part of you knows that blame does no one any good. It is one person’s fear projected to someone. Blaming thoughts are not scientifically or metaphysically true, not sound thinking at all!

We cannot take responsibility for another adult’s health. Health involves workings of our bodies, our exercise, what food we eat. Well Being involves considerations of body, mind and spirit. Our attitudes impact our dear selves on so many levels. Looking at the picture this way, how can the wife take the blame for a condition in her spouse?

Perhaps your dear one’s first response in his fear reaction was to put ‘blame’ on you. We can have compassion for his fear reaction.

Instead, let me help you calm yourself. Tap into your strength, access your focus on Good and on miracles. You are resilient and you can handle some of life’s curve balls. 😊”

Brygida continued breathing and listening. She was able to take in some of the comforting thinking and start to shift.

Then B asked for a Jin Shin Jyutsu session for help in changing her energy and emotionality. Her friend was able to provide that treatment within hours. With that assistance B shifted in her body, mind and spirit in a dramatic way. She feels much more ready to face the health information and support her beloved.

Take Away for Readers:

  1. Recognize panic: Know you are not offering yourself your best wisdom at this moment. Make it ok to feel what you feel.
  • Reach for help with soothing thinking. A friend to call; a book handy with wisdom. This strong feeling will dissipate with some time.
  • Practice uplifting blaming formulations when you are calmer. Flooding your being with feelings of Good Abounding and Well Being build strength and resilience.

Do you have experiences of recovery to share? Please comment. We all benefit and love to be inspired!

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