Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Magic of Focusing on Good


We have all enjoyed moments of going with the flow and experienced things working out well for us. Herein the author shares some incidents that went amazingly well. Unexpected pleasure popped! Perhaps this article will inspire readers to experiment with more time spent appreciating their lives.

Tale #1

Moment at Mint Spring, 16 x 20, $475

Darcy inherited a large mum plant that had to be moved from another’s garden. D already owned a mum with a similar flower, a gift from a neighbor. On D’s walks she looked at the yard of this generous donor and wanted to ask her the flower’s name.

Next day our star sat with a friend in a nearby park and to her surprise, Darcy spies that neighbor on the path approaching her bench.

“Hi. Yes, I am that one who walks by your house. What was the name of that mum you offered me. It just started blooming.”

She responded, “Oh yes good to see you. Sheffield Pink”

Up to then Darcy had never seen the neighbor other than standing in the neighbor’s drieveway!

Pretty cool—she just showed up to walk right by me!

Tale # 2

On vacation Caterina wanted to enjoy the Indian buffet at a certain restaurant. That weekend in a distant state she was visiting a friend who had an emergency call her away for a couple of hours and the chance for that eating outing was lost.

Later that trip, a different friend wanted to meet for lunch and she recommended that same restaurant. No buffet per se but that person told Caterina about the veggie thali plate on the menu. With that our heroine got small portions of six dishes! C found it yummy and it felt a bit like the variety of a buffet. Quite fun! The star got some of her wish!

Tale #3

One loving friend offered to pray for Leslie on her long drive to New England and back.  Leslie accepted gratefully and focused on packing, plans, driving etc to go north.

Leslie’s sojourn involved 25 hours of driving (two days up and two days back). On the trip L experienced only 15 minutes of traffic delay over all those hours.  Pretty astonishing result of prayer!

Tale #4

Alexandra went to use her electronic mouse after transferring her laptop from the living room to the desk. Oh dear A noticed the device did not work.

Uh oh! Our star felt a tension beginning. Wait! What is happening here. Pause

Then A looked back down at the device—only to discover the mouse was turned backwards, facing the wrong direction. Duh—it does not work that way. It DID work when properly oriented. Take Away: always good to look again while remaining mostly calm. 😊

Do you have some good news go with the flow accounts to share? Please comment and inspire us!

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