Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

The Flow of Gifts


Winter Woods, 16 x 20, $475

Winter Woods, 16 x 20, $475

We make plans, and we may think it has to go a certain way to please us. Here is an illustration of how the Universe hears us and fills in with what will satisfy– if we allow some ease, let go.

Samuela planned a trip with several places to stay and people to visit.

In the week before her departure, she got a phone rang – she learned one of the people to visit had to have surgery. Asking

something extra of another, that person waivered. Oh no, a bit of worry crept into her awareness.

Breathing through the rising of emotion, Samuela held the vision of her trip and continued.  The day came to leave and off she went.

After many days of rain, the morning to drive dawned clear and sunny.  Another of the pals had to attend a funeral while she would visit. During the drive, schedules juggled and somehow it all was adjusting in her favor.

The motel of the first night looked a bit creepy– turned out to be completely fine.

At one point on that first long day of driving, our heroine pulled over at the side of a busy highway to guarantee her evening accommodation.  After the call she had a thought- oh dear the road was so busy -how to safely pull out.  She looked in the mirror and turned: the road was completely clear, so easy to get off that shoulder.

On the second day she arrived at her destination, having driven 14 hours over two days. After touching base with her family there, she had an hour to spend in this lovely small city. Wouldn’t it be fun to find a taste of granola, a treat.  First she crossed the street to enter a coffee shop to get change for parking meters.

In that little shop there sat on the counter a canister of granola. That was quite cool.

“Would you sell me a small amount of that to taste?” asked our star.  Responding, the server said, “Oh here you can have a taste.”  She was handed a small cup full.  Wow what a sweet gift from the universe, granted in about a minute!

From there she kept appreciating all that showed up and felt awe at how well it flowed: good weather, two canoe trips, hikes, great dinners and more.

Isn’t it great when we can tune to the bounty that flows for us! Samuela is lifted by her noticing!

Are you taking in what is flowing for you? Appreciate what is right before you? Love you to share some: please comment.

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