Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Supported by Good


The Forces of Good support us more than we might imagine. We have had experiences where we felt afraid, waking up to the fear, shifting our point of view, and then feeling relief. Isn’t it great to feel that all is well after all. We can focus ourselves so that can happen as much as needed. So wonderful.

A day in the life of Charmaine

Getting Frisky, 24 x 30, $595

Charmaine read a message in a newsletter, and she became frightened. The dear woman got triggered for sure, starting to imagine, scenes of prison camps and humiliation. Sure, this topic troubled many people who felt their lives at risk. She had shifted out of terror, and there she breathed, catching a whiff of terror and anger too.

At first it all seemed so real, C called a friend as part of her reach for comfort and got some kind and balancing words. Also, she felt love and respect in what beamed back to her. Ok good start to calm down.

After that conversation, Charmaine followed her morning ritual to pull a card. This “oracle” told her that her fears were running away, and she did not have to go that direction. This lady had divine support and was safe. Wow – amazing what a “on target” message came—what a perfect morning for that guidance.

Feeling better she moved into her day.

In about an hour, her phone stopped accepting or making calls. Charmaine checked all the settings she knew to check and still no go.  Staying fairly balanced, she used the landline (God Bless it) to call a tech friend. That fellow had a strong hunch that the issue was with the provider. Sure enough she called there and presto change the phone worked!

Within less than an hour—she had a “problem,” received the direction she needed, and got just the right assistance.

Just after that, our star opened yesterday’s mail to find a letter from the company that stores some of her possessions. For this heroine at that moment it felt ominous, she had “feared” the rent would spike sharply. Relieved again, in fact, this notice informed her that the new charge represented only a modest increase. Somehow another fear did not come true. Protected.

At the auto shop appointment, she was greeted warmly, offered great service and told that she needed a 3 hour service next time. As she mulled and wondered out loud who would drop her off and fetch her, the owner of the shop offered, “Oh if you are stuck we will loan you our car.”  A nanosecond of fear and then help. Another awesome moment!

At a food store, she again greeted warmly, given extra customer service. She admired the flow of her day. So much Good and So much Ease.

About mid afternoon the protagonist’s path took her to the building from where that newsletter had been issued, a location on which she had projected her fear. Readers won’t be shocked to here: it had been False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). What she had intimated her did not materialize.  The flow of her positive mood carried her and Charmaine was shown that the trepidation was unfounded.

Then in the class she attended C got an extra dollop of affection thrown in. She had not had the imagination to picture such Good.

Effect on Charmaine: she got more experience in reaching for thoughts that feel better. She practiced, she got results, she deepened her connection to Good.

Smiling she knew it was easier and easier to catch herself and KNOW Well Being.

Have you a story of shifting your thoughts and getting relief from fear? And then were you delivered into an unexpected reception of Good? We’d love to hear those. Your example assists us all.

Collaboration with Readers

The author wants to respond to concerns and questions from readers. Do you have a circumstance about which you could use a hand shifting your point of view? Please comment with your suggestion or question. Together we are creating a more satisfying journey! Really please ask for what you would like to know to shift your thinking!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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