Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Source of Inspiration

Mint Spring Imagined, 16 x 20, Acrylic, $395

Mint Spring Imagined, 16 x 20, Acrylic, $395

Over the last 12 or so years of uplifting myself I have gotten much value from the work of Ernest Holmes. Here is a quote over which I have been ruminating lately:

“I have a deep inward sense, feeling, conviction and complete faith that there is a Power of Good governing everything; that It is governing completely with absolute certainty, without deviation, without exception and there is nothing to oppose It, change It, to limit or circumscribe Its action. …. I abandon myself to this faith, live in its atmosphere and accept its conclusions.”[1]


“As we come to surrender all littleness, and all fear and doubt, that great river of life flowing from the mind of God, will renew our vigor, remake our strength, ennoble our being, heal our bodies, and bring peace in our hearts. As our own thoughts are cleared of all that is unlike Him who created us, they become receptacles for the outpouring of all that is good, wonderful and true.” [2]

In this one if the words “mind of God” disturbs you, I recommend plugging in the Power of Good instead. What we have been discussing in this blog is our ability to bring our thoughts and feelings to be like the Power of Good more and more. I love feeling that.

one more..

“I am surrounded by Good. I am enveloped in it and feel Its presence. There is nothing in me that can reject that Good.”[3]

For me this powerful author has provided uplift at times when I was feeling less than tip top and had gotten quite out of balance. As we have discussed,  we want to bring to ourselves more Good and we will do so as we match it. I have found this work to provide a needed stepping stone at times when other inspiration was beyond what I could allow in at that moment.

How do you find these statements? If they assist you, lovely. If not, please reach for something that works better for you. I am interested in what does inspire you.  Please share what works, your thoughts on this piece or both at jpearl@streamofyes.com.  You Readers inspire me!

[1] Holmes, Ernest,  365 Science of Mind, ( New York:  The United Church of Religious Science, 2001), 71

[2] Ibid., 111

[3] Ibid., 114

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