Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Reasons to Feel Good


Entering The Castle, 24 x 30, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas

Entering the Castle 2009, NOT FOR SALE

I love looking for reasons to feel good — of course that included this week after the election. I loved observing people beginning to feel better.

As they began the conversation,  some folks bemoaned the values they perceive Trump to put forth.

As they spoke, I enjoyed seeing metamorphosis watching them picking up a vibe, shifting and sharing how they wanted to step up and be more of what they wanted themselves to be. In my presence inspiration rolled in!

One woman has been shy at work, perceiving that hardly knowing at all what she deeply cares about. Now she wants to speak up more, become more visible. Another noticed that she had a habit in her life not to look black men in the eye when she passed by. She wants to do that now and send a message of connection as well– a friendly direct gaze.

One woman has been shy at work, perceiving that hardly knowing at all what she deeply cares about. Now she wants to speak up more, become more visible. Another noticed that she had a habit in her life not to look black men in the eye when she passed by. She wants to do that now and send a message of connection as well– a friendly direct gaze.

At a group I attend, the women bemoaned the fate of this election for a bit. I sat there quiet, listening and holding the good that can come in my heart. Before long one dear one , then another came around to realizing each was inspired to stand up and represent what she wanted in the world, embodying a counterpoint to values they fear Trump brings. I coined this phrase “Be the UnTrump”. It was fun to see them on a roll getting interested in expressing what they want to see in the world, sending out the values of love.

One client said, ” I want to help in some Heart way to stem the tide.”

Want to join me in looking for reasons to feel good? What are you perceiving as you go through your day? Are you running thoughts of fear or are you noticing what you love to see? I catch myself running fear and then I shift. I am training my perceptions to see as Source sees. Yes an unwanted habit of thought comes up — and then I reach ….

Do you enjoy this quote from Ernest Holmes? “I know and understand that only Good is real.” I do!

We live in a world of Good and at all times we have the power to let in that Good for ourselves. Many of us have noticed that sometimes the events that shake us and wake us up are not always comfortable. Abraham says– we come to experience– we know what we don’t want and then we get clearer about what we DO want– and the whole world expands. We have fuel for our rocket to dream even bigger dreams– and show up in ways that make us feel good.

This is a good time to remember that nothing is going wrong, that the force that keeps the planets in orbit, grows flowers and food and warms us all is totally unaffected and functioning just fine. Fun to notice that all the uplifting events posted on goodnewsnetwork.org, one of my favorite websites, flow in this world unrelated to who holds the office of president: the passer-bys saving others from burning vehicles, the charities created by 9 year olds to feed the hungry, the scientific developments– zero point energy vehicles, new inexpensive screens for types of cancers, etc.   I fill myself up with that.

How have you found some reasons to feel good this week? What are you perceiving that will benefit all of us? Please comment. Go to browser version and then scroll to the comment box below the content of the post. We all shine!







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