We can make our days brighter by illuminating the contact with others. What does that mean? Making a warm comment to the staff checking us out in the grocery or pharmacy line. Sending a wave to the masked stranger we pass on the walking trail. As we ask ourselves what value we contribute, please count the supportive phone calls, the help to a neighbor, the lending equipment, etc. Our kindness counts tremendously.
The Mailman

Kalvin, the mailman, gave Celia a wide smile when they saw one another. For several years C enjoyed the friendliness of her mail carrier. Celia did not see him every day, not at all.
At first she did not think much of it. There was a mail truck, and a man driving gave her a cute wave when driving by. She would see him on her walks through the neighborhood.
Somehow our star knew this was not a man “into her” in a wannabee boyfriend way nor in a “stalking” way. It was his sharing his love of life.
As the year passed, occasionally when on a slower neighborhood street, Kalvin would pull over to share a quick “isn’t it a lovely day” or “how’re doin’?” Celia found it fun to exchange a light hearted remark.
C almost took this gift for granted. A key to her awakening came when she read in the local online bulletin board that this carrier was going to be leaving the USPS, retiring.
At reading that, our heroine realized she wanted to offer him appreciation. The thought was not so much for the delivery of the mail. (So many on the bulletin board complain bitterly about mail delivery but hers was mostly fine.) Now awakened, C wanted to thank him for that effort to beam his good vibration. It brightened her day at each encounter.
The notice said his last day was very soon. This dear woman was not clear how she would connect with him. Forces of Good handled that.
On the afternoon of his last day Celia happened to look out her window and see Kalvin parked in front of her house, taking a minute to chat with her neighbor. Out she went to have a quick conversation.
Turned out Kalvin’s truck had broken down right in front of her house at her mailbox. (No lie!) She beamed at him as she reported how grateful she was for his big smile when he spotted her. He indicated he had wanted to get the locals the mail though the last two years it had involved his working 12-hour days for no extra pay. Tired now, he had gotten and looked forward to more relaxed pace.
Enjoying the conversation, K mentioned that he might see C again because he and his wife planned to attend the free concerts at the nearby arena once we all were meeting in groups again.
Last week Celia went to fetch a package that the new mail carrier had just placed on her stoop. C poked her head out to look at the driver and she barely made a greeting.
Wow what a difference! That experience was like a clunk on the head for our protagonist. All at once she made the connection that her smiles, waves and “Hi There’s” must matter as much as this man’s did to her. And C knew it was easy to offer. She woke up to the important to use the power of her presence even in this “small” way.
Do you want to share the incidents when you have received such greetings or sent them? The big grin that someone suicidal sees that changes the course of their life. Or the simple ones we can easily take for granted both receiving and offering. Please comment.
We all benefit by more connection.
About the Author
Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.