Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Kinder Self Talk


Continually we are becoming more alert to not only to the content of what we are saying to ourselves but importantly to the tone of the message. For some of us in this culture we are accustomed to guilt provoking and even mean self talk.

Then when waking up to these old hurtful patterns, we want to switch to kinder messages to self. We can do this again and again.

Emerging in Oranges, 24 x 30, $525

Emmet Fox articulates this point below:

“There is only one way under the sun that man can attain salvation, in the true sense of the word, and that is by bringing about a radical and permanent change for the better in his(her) own consciousness….

Now why should man be so reluctant to change his consciousness? The answer is that the changing of one’s consciousness is really very hard work, calling for constant unceasing vigilance and a breaking of mental habits. (This undertaking) is worth much more than the trouble and effort it may call for.  

If you make a qualitative change in consciousness… then not only is the change felt in every department of your life but it is with you through all eternity, for you never can lose it….

As soon as you obtain this spiritual consciousness, you will find that all things work together for good.”[1]


Margery mislaid some recordings in a recent move. She became obsessed with finding them. M thought “I should be able to  locate them—I am careful and concerned with keeping my possessions in order.”

She tried to rest only to discover there she was still physically and mentally searching. Sigh.

Let’s review how to return to the wanted inner direction.

Easing Into Another View Point

Margery took this approach, M

  • Internally connected to the Well Being Pouring Down, Around and Through
  • Made it ok when realizing how obsessed she behaved at that point.
  • Accepted she had fallen off the pony on having fun.
  • Noticed she felt not enough and let it be ok.
  • Recalled that her awareness of her state counted as progress.
  • Underscored in her mind, “This is what the habit of self-change looks like.” I am successfully changing!

Are you involved with the process of becoming kinder to self? Do you have some stories that can uplift us all?

We live in times of transformation and we will all assist one another.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

[1] Emmet Fox Around the Year with Emmet Fox, A Bood of Daily Readings (New York:Harper Collins Publishers, 1952)p.199

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