Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Good Flows As We Proceed


We have a project of significant size to direct. Many components and perhaps more detailed steps unfold as the effort proceeds. This post is noticing how Good Flows as we proceed, performing tasks as each becomes apparent.

Reddish Rosco, 30 x 40, Acrylic, $725

The Background

Delores was clearing a space she had rented for many years. Formerly our star got nervous in this kind of endeavor. Instead now she behaved with greater consciousness of her habits (feelings of incompetence, shame and being overwhelmed) and supported herself with attention to the Forces of Good. This story involved donating outdated computer and office machines.

Recently, Delores had asked a small computer repair company if they took old machines. The staff indicated affirmative. D enjoyed knowing that there was a place to accept them.

Last week a strong friend had unplugged the devices and loaded them into her vehicle. After a week driving around with them, D decided to drop them off.

Tale Unfolding

On this day our heroine drove to the repair place, went inside to get assistance from strong company representatives to unload. There, the attentive staffer Harry explained, “No we don’t take the kind of machine you have in your car. To verify I will come out and look at them.”

In the parking lot, Harry took a look in her trunk. He said, “No, sorry, we don’t take devices this old. Some of them still carry dangerous elements and our partner re-use yards do not accept stuff like this.”

D: “Where do you suggest I take these?”

H: “I recommend S ( office supply store or BB (electronic device retailer). Those are the places that come to mind. Good Luck.”


Delores took a sharp intact of breath and then exhaled. She felt disappointed—she had momentum to get this task done.

Taking another inhale of optimism D said to herself, “Well I planned to get food shopping done. A route there involves driving right by one of these stores. Off I go.”

The Store and the Shift

In under five minutes she walked into suggested store, asked if they take her machines. Not only did they answer yes, they smiled with enthusiasm and eagerness. That manager grabbed a shopping cart and followed her outside. One at a time, D and the manager placed the devices into carts.

That staff went to the register and tallied the exchange as “recycling” which qualified the protagonist to earn discounts on future purchases.

In five minutes the amazed Delores was back in her now empty car.

In her head D heard “Oh ye of Little Faith!” After being daunted a bit at the first drop off attempt, she received immediate assistance and succeeded in her mission. Wow to the Forces of Good.

Delores observed how she might have dropped into a complaining grumble after the first place would not take her items. But wow she got what she wanted in a flash following the tip without any great effort on her part.

Do you have some tales to tell where solutions just flowed to you easily? Please share in the comments!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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