Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Deeper Learning on Self Love


As we proceed with our growth, we will encounter situations which flush up outdated programming. As we process this “stuff” we love ourselves more deeply and become clearer, stronger and more free.

The Incident

Marlana was grocery shopping, enjoying some samples as she picked up staples. As she munched, M cried inside, “Oh my, I cannot align my jaw. Something is wrong.”

This dear woman walked through the store, noticing that the wrongness in her mouth persisted. Then she then headed for the ladies room. M took a look, found to her relief that her crowns were still in place. Regarding her jaw she knew Well Being abounding would take care of things and soon her eating would feel right again.

Ode to Urs, 20 x 20, Acrylic on Canvas

Within the hour Marlana arrived home, ate lunch and felt an easing in her mouth. Then she realized in horror, “My mouth feels aligned again. Oh my, I think the crown has come out. I need to call the dentist.” The dental office scheduled M an appointment for the next morning.

The Reaction

Like lightening Marlana’s feelings spiked into self-blame: She had not stopped to do something to preserve the crown.

Immediately, our heroine felt just awful. Inside, she continued to review her “crime” of not waking up to the “saving” in time to succeed there. Meanwhile, Marlana did love the feeling of relief in having her jaw feel right again.

The Recovery

The dentist gave Marlana the choice whether to replace the crown. That day she realized her suffering resulted from the self-blame. “Wait a minute,” our heroine exclaimed, “I want to feel good again and enjoy my life! I must forgive myself and I know where to turn.”

She prayed for assistance first to feel better and also to get clarity on whether to go for the crown.

A long time girl friend, Zee, telephoned M to get help with an upset. Zee’s husband had insulted her in a manner he had previously. That dear one reached out to Marlana for rescue. As Marlana soothed Z, M got benefit too.

Zee listened and did not perceive anything worthy of blame in M’s actions. In a couple of minutes, the women were laughing at their situations.

With curiosity and purpose, Marlana perused books that remind readers how to summon divine protection and love.

M awakened to how her own review of her “transgressions” fueled her awful feelings. “Oh my,” the dear one smiled at herself, “I want to stop doing that. Better fill my mind with positive thoughts of myself!!”

Our star made lists of what value she added to this world, her strengths, talents, etc.

This heroine enjoyed her dance, yoga, walks, friends.

By the second day, this protagonist had strengthened her resolve to accept herself and knew that she would proceed to get the crown. With introspection, Marlana recognized how blind she had been to seeing her Good when she felt so troubled.

Take Aways

  1. When we feel flooded with angst, make it ok to feel awful.
  2. When we notice our negative feelings are filling our consciousness, those emotions will require some time to dissipate.
  3. We can feel compassion for the dear inner self who is suffering.
  4. As we become aware, we can cease reviewing what we judge as “bad actions.”
  5. We are not defined by our feelings. We are not “bad”. Unhappy moments are ok.
  6. Thinking “I am bad” shows us that in that moment our perceptions are distorted and misleading. .Best not to act when self blame is disguised as “truth” in our heads.
  7. So many texts for lifting our spirits are around us—they help us remember: Source Energy has our back!
  8. What relief to feel good again!
  9. Actually we can increase the depth of self love through such experiences! Processing unwanted leads us to feeling stronger and livelier!

Do you want to share a dramatic learning story of yours? We would benefit from sharing your journey and insights.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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