Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Facing Fear


We may suspect that great reward can come from facing our fears. This post offers an entertaining bit of evidence.

Are you becoming more aware of when you feel that grip of tension and your spirits dip? Let’s see how “worth it” it is to observe ourselves in everyday living, change our thinking and create a satisfying life.

Setting the Scene

Closer to Eden, 16 x 20, $295

One night Valentina was enjoying watching an old tv series from the 1980’s on Youtube, “Highway to Heaven.” The show stars two men who travel around doing good deeds: one a self-proclaimed angel and the other his side kick.

Let’s pick up the thread part way through an episode where a quadriplegic man, Tim, and a woman, Naomi, are enjoying a relationship. As the plot unfolds, Naomi knows she has fallen in love and wants to further develop their togetherness.

Tim is hesitating to proceed toward marriage. T feels clenched worrying that were his wife or child to need his help, he would be powerless physically to rescue them. This dear one was filled with fear.

As the tale unfolds, Naomi is driving the two of them to a destination, and then the camera switches to a stranger topping off a bottle of liquor, discarding it and heading his car out to the street. Viewers feel an ominous sign for Naomi and Tim.

The Viewer’s Drama

“Oh no!” thinks Valentina gripped by the program, filling with fear for the stars and recoiling from this suspense. Reflexively she shuts off the channel, hiding from a violent turn in the story.

In V’s mind run words like, “Maybe another time. I need to protect myself. I just can’t stand when a love story turns to tragedy.”  

About an half hour goes by. Valentina wakes up to what she is doing. “Oh what am I doing? I am watching a show with the angel as the protagonist. For Heaven’s sake I am not trusting Forces of Good to operate in this fictional account about an angel, designed to uplift the audience! Under my consciousness radar my fear operated.”

Valentina declared to herself, “Well I am awake now.” That night she could not find that episode in order to keep watching it.

Calmly she told herself eventually she would locate that program and watch the ending.

Next night our star V played around and found the episode, poised to play right where she had left off. The two lovers were not badly hurt.

Tim recovers but remains afraid to make a commitment to Naomi. The angel star of the series arranges for Tim to visit another fellow who uses a wheelchair, one with a wife and four children. In the course of the chat, Tim receives inspiration and clarity: he makes a shift to love and now feels eager to marry Naomi. They drive off together in a happy ending.

Take Away

Valentina, our brave viewer, had to laugh at herself. Wow she was delighted that she had noticed her reflex of fear when she shut down that show. What a fun juicy reward to watch this satisfying outcome including watching Tim conquer his fears.

So worth it to be aware and shift!

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About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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