Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Universe Responds


When we are staying aligned with Source Energy, when we feel good a lot of the time, we can attract assistance in remarkable ways, tapping into the Forces of Good. The Universe will respond to our alignment. Please read below for one example.

Darien and Lonny

Riverview Waynesboro, 16 x 20, $475

Darien got a note from beloved brother, Lonny, letting her know his news: he had been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2. He informed her about the changes he was making in his life, the enormous shift in eating patterns, new rigorous and daily exercise protocol and more. He changed his life, lost weight and more.

After a few months, Darien had a chance to visit her brother in person. From the calls she had known that her brother felt depressed about his physical health. When she arrived at his home, she took one look at his face and saw an expression like she had never seen on him before. Wow he felt very down and hopeless.

Throughout her visit of about three days, she talked her brother and offered perspectives that she thought were encouraging and upbeat.

Her words seem to have little effect. She parted feeling quite uncomfortable. “Gosh, I deeply wish to be of more service,” thought D. “Forces of Good, please show me if there is something I can do to insert more optimism for him.”

She had two days of driving in order to reach her home. Along the way she listened to audiobooks and enjoyed that kind of companionship.

At a moment in the13 hours of driving, the idea popped into Darian’s head—get him a David Spangler book.

“Ok. I will do that,” mused our star to herself.

Action Arriving Home

Soon after arriving home, Darien felt moved to look at books online. At this point she still did not know which book to get.

As she searched, somehow she came upon a work she had heard mentioned by others Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock. On impulse she decided to buy it.

Then in that same search she discovered a relatively new David Spangler book. Lonny had enjoyed this author in the past. D herself did not recall ever reading a Spangler work.

In a flash our star received intuitive guidance to send her brother this new Spangler book now.

So, the heroine followed and off it went.

Wait for a Response

Oh dear inside Darien wanted to know how L received this gift. Calming herself she knew when someone sends a book, there is really no telling when the recipient feels like reading it or what his reaction will be. “Breathe and carry on,” D told herself and then focused on her own business.

In about three or four weeks, this protagonist received an email from dear Lonny.

“I enjoyed the book so much and I feel so enormously much better. Thank you.”

Her dear brother got the uplift she so wanted for him—somehow. She did not directly know what would help. But by    following her intuition and surrendering to Flow of Life some assistance got delivered.

So soothing to notice that we can be a vehicle of Well Being without knowing the details. 😊

Do you have stories where you have received such help or were guided to offer it? Please share!

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