Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

The Burro and the Well

Closer to Eden, 16 x 20 10-7-2010 11-38-43 AM 636x800

Closer to Eden 2010

This week I read a story on the Good News Network website and am writing to share a bit of delight I got from this piece. In a small Mexican town one teacher is experimenting with letting students direct their education to a much greater degree than what is common in schools. Students are given a problem to solve. They work in community, try out different approaches and reach for solutions– in math science and more..

During one school year the teacher told the children about a burro that was thrown into a well. The owner of that animal wanted to get rid of him. In fact, after the burro landed in the hole, the owner threw in shovel fulls of dirt to bury the creature. What did the burro do? With each load of soil that came down upon him, this four legged stamped it down and got on top of it and stepped higher. Bit by bit the burro rose higher and higher until eventually, this dear animal walked right out of that hole. Look at that, the stuff that was intended to be his demise, what appeared to be “the big problem”, turned out to provide the means of saving himself.

Isn’t that inspiring!  This week I’m playing with this in my mind and spirit. Look at this — not just good  but a means of salvation coming from what one would not (never) choose. Wow this turns life on its head. Hey this makes me smile so I thought I would share it! Go Burro!

Please comment as you feel stimulated by this post. Contact me at jpearl@streamofyes.com. I love to hear from you!

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