What are we here for? Try out this metaphor.. we are here on Earth to get those bike wheels running straight and true– no wobble. Huh?
Yep, we are here to notice thoughts we might be thinking that run counter to the Force of Good, then a little bit at a time, we birth new thoughts that reflect how good things really are .. in all our affairs. We are here to ride straight and true to Well Being.
How would we know if we were thinking thoughts of Good? Is our Good, good enough?
If it feels good, we know we are on track. We enjoy the fun, feel delighted with what we are thinking.
Recently a woman attending one of my classes ruminated on taking a consulting job in her field. In that position, She is supposed to manage and solve problems. She wanted to know how she would “let life flow”, “take it easy” and do that job from that new perspective. Was she supposed to sit around waiting for inspiration from the Force of Good?
“No,” I told her, “you are forgetting to appreciate the talent and expertise you have right now! Doesn’t it feel good to use your know-how and experience to solve the client’s problems? That voice of ‘I don’t know what to do’ constitutes a form of inspiration. Tune in a bit– doesn’t that feel good-that you already know what to do and you are GOOD at it now. In effect, you appreciate yourself as you are and dive into that project. ” Her face shifted and she lit up. Oh I am Already Good.
Remembering to value ourselves.
- Tune into parts of us that already functioning well. (I heal scrapes easily. I fall asleep right away at night. I have good vision. Nothing rattles in my head :).
- List strengths. (I have a gift for color. I raise plants that grow. I receive guidance and follow it.)
- Recall what we value in ourselves. ( I have enjoyed my naturally curly hair. I am able to assist people to heal and feel better.)
It all counts. All that goodness!
I recommend putting your attention on what you CAN do. At what you Already EXCEL. ON what is GOING WELL.
I am practicing focusing on the Good flowing out of me and the Good flowing all around me. Want to join me?
I am practicing focusing on the Good flowing out of me and the Good flowing all around me. Want to join me?
Please share your comments at jpearl@streamofyes.com. We have so much Good to share!
Please share your comments at jpearl@streamofyes.com. We have so much Good to share!