Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Radiant Conviction for the Good


Elements of Home, 30 x 40, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas, $625

Elements of Home, 30 x 40, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas, $625

“We can walk through the darkest night with the radiant conviction that all things work together for the good. ” — Martin Luther King

Today I found this quotation in a book entitled the Hidden Soul of Words by Mary Cox Garner.  A few hours after discovering it, I was offering a Jin Shin Jyutsu individual treatment to a client I’ll call Emily, and we chatted about her life. In the last day or so, her husband had been sharing his sentiments that much goodness came from Catholicism and how he appreciated his Catholic roots.  Aware of the unspoken backdrop to his comments, Emily observed how deeply affected was her dear man by the events in Paris this week.

As I listened, I saw that this man was reaching for Good. To me I sensed a man wanting to tune to a goodness he felt in his childhood and wanting to turn up the activation of that force of good in himself now.

After more conversation and perhaps half the session, I recommended that Emily compile a list of the many ways she sees this fellow expressing Good both currently and throughout the time she has known him. She can point to so much good that has been pouring forth from him! She loved this idea and plans to follow it. Soon they will have a long trip together for the upcoming holiday and she thinks it will provide a great opportunity to share what has warmed and delighted her about him.

Before Emily departed my office, she wanted me to know that not only did she feel good physically from the energetic treatment, but also felt filled with thoughts that lifted her and  eager to flow with thoughts of how her man lived his goodness,  to enjoy looking for good.

I felt better and better as the session unfolded. The more I tune to identifying aspects of good I see, the better I felt.  Wow I was struck with this realization: as horrific as the events in Paris seem, isn’t it fun to notice the ripple effect — this exchange in Charlottesville, VA  arising in reaction to what was so unwanted across the Atlantic. In response to terribly upsetting news, a man thinks about goodness of Catholics, somehow I hear about it and I emphasize the good flowing. Wow again we experience what we don’t want, then we turn to what we do want.  At this time in history we are more and more tightly connected around Earth than ever before. Boy many people around the globe now want more Good.  Today we are more unified in knowing we want more Good.

This morning I underscored the power of looking for good as a practice with which we can play as we live our days. Why not have the fun of looking for good and finding it– of reaching for good and seeing more and more of what delights you?

Want to come play? Of what effects for the better are you becoming aware in these recent days?

Between 10 and 11 am, I noticed how one couple is awakening to the power they have to magnify what feels good to them. I reflected back that potential and got filled with grace myself. Feel moved to share some reactions for Good with me this week? Please send comments about this blog entry to jpearl@streamofyes.com. We are part of a worldwide awakening :).






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