Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Positive Aspects of Myself– re-edited

Dame Rocket Spring, 9 x 12, Acrylic, $120

Dame Rocket Spring, 9 x 12, Acrylic, $120

Feeling worthy founds a life of feeling good.  From feeling good about oneself flows the impulse to contribute to the world in big and glorious ways.

For many of us feeling good about Dear Being may not be an everyday occurrence. Perhaps parents were critical or disappointed in how we as a child turned out. Now as an adult, what can we do to heal those wounds? How can someone reaching for feeling good talk to that inner self  with far more kindness and positive regard?

We can pull from all kinds of methods, techniques and tools to refuel self esteem. Frequently I write what I am pleased about myself. As I create the list, good feelings flow. What comes easily to mind about you?  I am reaching for aspects that get my juices flowing as I think them.

Reaching for feeling good may stimulate thoughts of ways I am disappointed in myself. If it does,  put aside the task, take a nap, watch a movie. When you feel fresh start again. Perhaps engage a friend who enjoys your company to help.

When I do this exercise, the process of creating the list produces stimulating feelings. When I go back and reread the list, I get happier than too :). In my own development I review the lists when I feel lower than I prefer. In those cases I may be surprised that I have so many good things on a list. ” Oh yea, I forgot all about that!”  I am turning toward where I would rather focus.

Suggestions for Positive Aspects Lists include:

1. Times you were proud of yourself. including achievements, instances of kindness and more. Allow “small” items to be recorded as well as bigger ones.

2. Incidents when other people were proud of you

3. Positive Qualities of character– like instances when you helped someone, ways you are a “good” person, times you shared, times you took on a cause, etc etc

4. People who respect you and why

5. Instances when you have felt  respected

6.  Your skills, abilities, competencies that please you.

7. Physical Attributes of your dear self (you have really cool ears, for example 🙂  )

I read  and create lists like this very regularly. I am uplifted by them.

Want to experiment with this tool and let me know if it produces results for you? What ways do you find attributes for you list? Please send feedback to jpearl@streamofyes.com. I love hearing all those great things about my readers!

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