Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Gifts from Universal Flow

Have a Good Day Today!  Enjoy The Flow of Good Pouring Down! Notice and Appreciate!

Here I go– sharing a list of the bounty pouring to me.

When I stay aligned with Goodness I get some results!

View Into Town, NFS

View Into Town, NFS

  • Always with a camera with me ( a Canon not the phone), I take pictures alot as possible paintings. This year I entered some pictures into a photo contest, judged by a National Geographic photographer who resides in my village.  One of my entries won a spot as a monthly page (featured with blog)! I love saying to myself, ” I am a winner!”
  • One of my paintings was leaning against the end of a couch in a room in which I was storing it for months. When I went to fetch it, the canvas had a big stretch mark in it. I skipped using that piece in the recent show and put off dealing with it, leaning it against a wall. Coming back to it the other day, it had fixed itself. Wow.
  • I decided to order address labels as I was placing an order for Christmas cards. The envelope with the cards did not contain them. Called the company, was told to wait two more days. On the second day I received a solicitation from a charity– with stickers, a pad and… address labels. But did not get the order. So the company refunded my money because they missed their deadline. The next day the ordered ones came. The Universe had produced address labels for me on the day I wanted them– but not from the order… Wow.
  • I listened to a meditation on a cd. It has an accompanying guidebook. A friend had copied the cd for me so I did not have the guidebook. I thought wouldn’t it be fun to read that guidebook again. Did nothing about it. Within two weeks a friend who knew nothing about this wish, brought in this book to give away. So I got it. wow.
  • For my recent art show I needed helpers. I got three volunteers easily and they served their role with excellence and cheer. wow.I pulled the oracle card “windfall” about three times within as many weeks. Then I sold a painting for $600.
  • I ran a bunch of errands, flowing along. Almost complete, I got an impulse to visit a library where I sometimes go. A friend works there and thought of her as I walked in. In a moment she was walking toward me saying ” I wanted to run into you.” She had been given a life threatening diagnosis and wanted to talk about it with me. We spoke there, standing, and she left our chat soothed and feeling more power. I felt good having offered someone a hand.

For you I wish a flow of abundance. As you reach for feeling as good as you can in each moment, you attract so much that pleases you. Isn’t it fun to notice!

Please share a bit of what the universe is offering to surprise and delight you. Happy Holidays!



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