Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Finding Lost Things


I do declare I perceive a method for finding lost things– not one guaranteed to return those items, but one that gives it an excellent shot. 🙂

Yesterday I lost a ring– probably within my own possessions somewhere. I  swim often so I am habitually taking off jewelry in my car.  I made up the procedure: take item off and put it in my purse in a zipper compartment.

Pasture Near Home, 9 x 12, Acrylic, $120

Pasture Near Home, 9 x 12, Acrylic, $120

If I find myself with jewelry still on when in the locker room ( with purse in the car), I put it in a little cloth “wallet” with a zipper compartment that I carry in the swim bag for this purpose.

When I went to put on my ring, I looked in the jewelry dish. Then I looked in the purse zipper pouch. Then I looked in the swim bag wallet. I was getting more frustrated and I looked again in all those places. Then again. Still nothing saying to myself I really want to find this ring. Nothing. Getting wound up…

I have been around on this business of losing things many times ( Bless my Heart). Yesterday I put on a different ring and left for my busy afternoon. As I walked out, I started telling myself that it was ok. If I lost the ring, I was still ok. It had some monetary value, but it was ok to lose. It had a bit of sentimental value, but I was sure I was going to be fine living without it. Life was still good and there was so very much going well.

For the next chunk of hours I had a walk and lunch with one woman friend and then a first date meeting for another couple of hours.   These people were good company, and I had a wonderful time. Maybe twice during that time I told myself I was fine and all was well.

When I got home, I wanted to sit with my purse and look at it carefully. I put on my glasses. I breathed evenly and freely. All is well.

My plan was to go through all the contents to see if somehow this piece of jewelry was in the main compartment somewhere. I stuck my hand in that zipper pouch– the one I had checked about five times early in the day, I pulled my hand out and it had the ring in it. I was relaxed and allowing.  That ring was right there and easy to find.

Another time I looked for a brown top in my closet. I went through each hanger slowly. I think maybe two or three times, feeling aggravated. Not there. Universal Law is such that if I fill my head with the fact the thing I want is “lost” then it will likely stay lost. If I feel peace, then it is easier to find what’s missing. When later I came back to look for the brown top, it was there right in front of me in the closet. Astounding. Easily right there.

I joked to myself that I lose things just for the rush of good feeling when I find them again.

In the collection of posts on this blog, one titled “The Red Camera” tells the story of losing my beloved Canon powershot.  It gives the details of that adventure. ( To read it plug “The Red Camera” into the search box on the blog page.)

I admit it does feel great to find something I have mislaid. And, these days I like knowing that I am mastering this art of  making it ok to lose the thing– removing the vibration of self blame,  the “I made a bad mistake” thoughts, the anger, the upset.  Living into “I am fine” if something is gone.

In the last six months I looked down and saw the diamond had come out of a ring I had. I have not found the diamond– I did make it ok that it fell out of the ring.  I am still fine :).

Take Away:  Isn’t it worthwhile to master yourself enough to find calm when a possession goes missing. (Also one can ask for guidance to find the thing.) The key is making it ok in the moment when one does not have it.

I’d enjoy hearing the results of your experimentation. Were you able to apply this? In my case I find the vast majority of lost things. Does it work for you? You know I love hearing your reports.



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