Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Flow of Good Exceeds Imagination


We are on the path to seeing increasing Good, our perceptive lens now discerning so much that’s there to appreciate including our own qualities and actions. What can flow to us in our light-hearted and loving state can exceed what we might imagine. Please read on for illustration.


Emerging in Oranges, 24 x 30, $525

Danely attended a class run by Haley about promoting business on social media. As the class ended, Haley volunteered to spend some special time with Danely. Both had a lively discussion and enjoyed the synergy of exchange.

A few weeks later, Haley invited Danely to speak at a conference H was organizing. Thrilled at the opportunity, D signed on, prepared extensively and presented at this H’s gathering months later.

A week after the conference H circulated evaluation materials to participants, which assembled the results and included relevant commentary to each speaker.

Reading this email Danley experienced a strong emotional response. D felt betrayed and that H had taken the side of a few commentators who were displeased with aspects of D’s performance. 

Danely did not discuss her reaction with Haley. She decided to move on while doing her best to uplift herself.

Second Chapter

Almost two years later, Haley commented in a friendly way to one of Danely’s posts on Facebook. D thought, “Wow that was such a friendly and kind statement! Let me respond.”

Then this heroine wrote a private message to Haley. D shared briefly that she had been hurt. However, now Danley said to H, “I appreciated that speaking opportunity so much. You offered abundant encouragement and appreciate to me. Would you accept an offer to experience my coaching to promote positive vibes—my treat!”

Haley accepted that invitation readily and with enthusiasm. They agreed on a day and time.

Punchline of Piece

The session got off to a good start and both parties exchanged that each had looked for positives in this time focused at home and found them. Both realized putting attention on appreciation and gratitude was serving them well. Each were organizing groups online for support and had a good time exchanging experiences and lessons learned.

During the conversation, Haley shared,

“From the beginning when I was first meeting you, I was struck by your enthusiasm and vitality. So unusual!

In each encounter I have so admired those qualities in you and wanted to emulate you. You are so inspiring!”

Having felt hurt and embarrassment after reading that evaluation summary, Danely was shocked Haley felt that way. D had been triggered and had taken personal offense from one sentence in an email two years ago.

This heroine thought, “Wow I had no idea H thought such positive things about me. And also, now I feel so happy that I did the inner work to let go of the ego bruise and that subsequently, responded to Haley’s kind words on Facebook.”

Receiving this praise felt great. If she had not cleared her own “stuff,” the distorted opinion would have continued.

What a lesson! Danely had cleared herself and thereby was able to perceive the goodwill of Haley’s Facebook comment. Then, not only did Good flow to her but in a wonderful way she had not imagined.”

Isn’t this worth noticing?

Got something along these lines to share? Of questions about the process? Please comment!

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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