Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Recognize the Momentum


We flash strongly with our emotions. Our upsets create a color across our perceptive field. “That is the way it is,” we pronounce. Pause, pause.

Chipper Pink Day, 24 x 30, $495

Let us learn to add to our awareness as soon as we can, “Perhaps at this moment.”  Wow, at times we can forget that Source Energy is always there with us. Likely there is more good than we might see right now in our situations.

Illuminating Story

At home Calley lost her internet connection and landline. She got busy making phone calls to get it restored.

Two days later she waited at home all day for the scheduled repair staff. They did not show.

She went to reschedule and was given a date a full week later.

Calley felt so angry and victimized. Inside she got filled with tension, experienced restless and reduced energy. For this protagonist the world seemed gray.

From this state she hardly could recall how to uplift herself. It was as though the climb was a sheer wall with no foot or hand holds in the rock face.


Before too long she did remember she used to feel better and that it must be possible now.  No, Calley was not instantly transformed. What does “reaching for feeling better look like?” For each of us it may appear differently.

For our star, C cleaned debris in her garden, took walks in sunshine, had some chats with sympathetic friends. This heroine had forgotten how slow the progress may feel.

After a day or so, Calley realized she had triggered into some traumatic fears from her past. The feeling ran quite deeply.

The circumstances did not appear to benefit much from her efforts. She acted still filled with all this “suffering” vibration.

Bigger Shift

By the third day this dear woman could recognize some of the blessings coming out of this “unfortunate” situation: learning a lot about delivery options for internet services; proficiency in smartphone navigation and usage.

Importantly, C stepped back from her compelling experience and saw how caught up in it she had become. How much her fear and related feelings dominated her gestalt.

Certainly, as she felt joy again, the contrast provided a delightful experience!

In a more balanced state, solutions started to flow to her. An improved data usage coverage for her phone, collecting information on other internet providers.

Calley can breathe and feel good with or without internet connected in her home. Yes, she misses the convenience of her connected laptop. Traversing this territory, she sees she has had to summon more courage to address many fears: using phone for so much, feeling more isolated, not having instant and convenient access to searches and entertainment.

Things are much better than they may seem when we feel afraid. We make up quite a doomsday story and believe it—until we wake up.

Can you call up one of your stories of emotional perspectives and then recovery? Please share how you built your strength.

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

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