Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Memories of Feeling Really Good


We want to be practicing feeling good a lot of the time. Yes, we humans we will always have dips into negative emotions. Living on Earth we will experience what we don’t want to get clearer about what we DO want.  We can steer our thoughts and emotions toward what we prefer as we practice a more alert consciousness.  And we know that life goes more and more easily as one of the pay offs 😊.

Let’s face it, many of us may habitually to review something unwanted as it occurs. We have a story to tell and perhaps some of us enjoy the attend that story can give us. Here a new, alternative proposition is offered. What if we activate positive feelings associated with our the stories of when things went extremely well. Some might seem like miracles!

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Power of the Feeling Good Moments

Memory of those feeling states carry the power of that event. The cells of your being react as though it was happening now.

The explanation and scientific validation of this point is articulated in this past post https://streamofyes.com/body-mind-science-feeling-good.

How cool is that!

Make a List

Michael Beckwith, the Founder and Spiritual Director of Agape International Spiritual Center, suggests such an accounting which he dubs “Moments of Remembered Radiance.”  He recommends each to make a list of those occasions when things went a wonderful way for that individual, times when we felt really good.

An Example of a Partial List

Judi put together a list. Here are a few of her high point moments:

  1. When asked to leave her apartment, finding a pleasing unit a reasonable price in good timing.
  2. Getting rescue advice after she mistakenly shared her bank account number with a stranger on the phone.
  3. Receiving a check in the mail for an unexpected expense– just on the day of making the expenditure. Unexpected financial assistance.
  4. Hearing a very positive health status report, a recovery long pursued that had seemed so unreachable at one time.
  5. Learning that she had been well appreciated for advice offered by someone who called her in distress. The words she had spoken did lift the caller at a time badly needed.
  6. Unexpected Opening in a practitioner’s schedule- just when needed.

When to use this roster?

When something very traumatic happened, most humans won’t be able to shift immediately over to reveries of fabulous feeling times.  We do our best to stabilize ourselves; be easy and soothing with ourselves; distract ourselves as that is possible.

On the other hand, when we feel pretty good, a slight dip offers possibility. Then may offer an excellent chance to refer to “remembered radiance” occasions for help with uplift. Moving our perception toward an uptick in mood, just a little, offers ourselves enormous assistance.

Some of us might review such a list each morning in a quiet time, practicing the glow of great feelings. Might flow well with meditation. The possibilities for creative use are endless!

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