Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

We Are Ok The Way We Are


“It’s Ok to be Unhappy, Honey.

Everyone’s been blue.

And blue’s a pretty color, Baby,

When it’s worn by you.

It’s ok to lose your way, My love.

We’ve all been lonely too.

It’s ok to be the way you are

No matter what you do.”[1]

We ride the waves of an adventurous life! Standing tall, we experience, get clearer, and learn what we would prefer. More and more awake, we notice what we feel and that awareness guides us well. What about when I feel “not so good?”

Sea Green Glory, 24 x 30, SOLD

No big deal, part of this rich stew of living. How to respond to a dip?

First step, we make it ok to feel whatever is going on. Such a healthy response! What do we want? Everything we want is so that we will feel better – even wishes for others lift us.

We recall that uplifting ourselves represents the most important thing, the basis from which Good flows more and more abundantly.

Helpful to notice, too, Well Being still abounds when I feel rotten.  Doesn’t the sun still shine behind the darkest of storm clouds? We can count on that sun!

Then we might take a walk in nature, ride a horse, read a thriller, build a new table and a million other things on which we will enjoy our focus.

The Story of Rosalind

Rosalind experienced a very dramatic experience.  This woman has achieved stature as a horse trainer, preparing horses for high level competitions, including those of clients and her own.  In the day or two before the call, Ros’s horse had been injured by another horse in the pasture, so seriously that she was required to send that dear animal to horse heaven. She was three years into a staged training process readying that mare for performing at the highest level of international competition. This event felt devastating to her.

Here are some soothing thoughts for this dear woman:

  1. R was ok and that life was continuing despite this event.
  2. She had learned tremendously from knowing this horse; she had gained great skills that she now had mastered which she would apply to her next training experiences.
  3. Ros had received great love from the horse and the horse had known how much she deeply loved her.
  4. So much Good had come from her experiences with this horse — it mattered and she had not lost the essence of their relationship and exchange.

This heroine felt some measure of relief from the anguish and self-blame.

Relief Through the Body

Rosalind received some Jin Shin Jyutsu an art that harmonizes the body’s energy that first day. That star felt some relaxation, soothing, and more relief. To learn more about this art go to https://streamofyes.com/jin-shin-jyutsu/ .  Each of us can choose what modality, such as massage, might work to bring us back to the present moment

Focusing on the Big Picture

We would not want to root for a life where things always “go well.” Our lives benefit so much from our escapades. We expand ourselves and the Universe, the desire toward what we do want. This fulfills us!

Readers Take Away:

How can we direct ourselves to cheer up a sadness, slump, bump in the road?

  • Appreciate what we can around us. (Hey, isn’t it great thes remote works to turn on the tv!)
  • Talk about what is going well– as we can find it :).
  • Exercise a bit
  • Enjoy some nature
  • Sleep
  • Look for the Good flowing from events we did not choose. Where are we led? What people do we meet because we dealt with this circumstance?

This too shall pass– accept the flow of life and keep going.

Each of us will find our own way through our dips. It is ok to feel low.

Do you have a story of recovery that inspired you– a personal or public hero of yours or a tale of your own? Please comment!  “It is ok to be the way you are, no matter what you do”.[2]

About the Author

Janet Pearlman is a spiritual teacher, counselor, healer and artist. These posts demonstrate everyday applications of the path to greater self knowledge and mastery. Opportunities for greater empowerment abound in the moments of our lives. As we all go for operating from a centered and loving space, we are creating a world where peace can prevail. In her forty-six year journey of self-discovery, Janet has deeply studied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ernest Holmes, Inayat Khan and more. Janet offers individual sessions by phone and in person. Please contact her at jpearl555@earthink.net to arrange an appointment.

[1] Song from the Living Love Community founded by Ken Keyes

[2] Ibid

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