Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Steiner Inspired Images: Opening Reception Friday March 1

Flowering with Bud, 15 x 18, Watercolor on wet paper

Please join me for the opening of  Steiner Inspired Images, a show of paintings as part of the First Friday event, at CitySpace Gallery on Charlottesville’s downtown mall, Friday March 1, 5:30 – 7 pm at 100 5th St NE.

Soft colors, images emerging from the background: the pieces presented in this display were created in the painting style taught at Waldorf Schools, artistic expression infused with the methods, philosophy and spiritual understanding of Rudolph Steiner. Using watercolor on wet paper, the painting involves a process of spiritual development along with the application of paint and brush.

The gallery space is attached to the Market Street parking garage and one enters from the downtown mall side. All are welcome!

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(Mission statement here).