Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

In the Flow

Taylor Creek 1, 24 x 30, Acrylic on Canvas, $525

Taylor Creek 1, 24 x 30, Acrylic on Canvas, $525

One day this week I ran into a friend, Heidi, in the entrance to a food store. I know Heidi from viewing Abe seminars; she an avid follower of Abraham Hicks teachings. With animation Heidi reported that within the hour she’d disagreed with her employer, exchanged heated words and quit her job. Tension had been building over the recent months, and she’d been thinking about leaving.

Now standing in the doorway, she was on a roll, energy flowing. Telling the story, the facts, the drama and also  appreciating. She said,

“Oh I’m’ so glad to run into you.

It’s so perfect to talk with you right now. Wow you even have time to pause and sit together for a few minutes.

I called my partner. He was so supportive– it was great. He was fine that my income will be interrupted.. he was right there for me.

I’m so grateful that he’s learning the Abe teachings. Such a delight to share life with him now!”

We reviewed how easily she can find another position if and when she wants one. She knows her profession and skills are in demand. We affirmed how lucky the next employer will be to have her on that team.

I shared this story:

“One time in my employment past, with less than two days notice, I was involuntarily transferred to another unit. I’d known the bosses of the unit were not satisfied with my contribution. In the new unit I was not given an assignment immediately– it felt like just hanging there for a period of weeks. Then I was assigned to revitalize a policy area, new to me, with many challenges. From this beginning came the most satisfying and successful work of my career. The undignified, unexpected start led to the best opportunity ever! On that first day I did not feel that great and good stuff was not yet visible– at all. Who knows what can happen from what is transpiring today?”

Heidi wanted to uplift her thought that she had done something “wrong”. As we chatted she calmed and began to regain her balance. Wasn’t it cool she attracted this supportive conversation at this perfect time? Nothing is going wrong. Ahhh

As we were winding down readying to part, an older slow-moving woman came over to us and asked if she could use the seats we occupied. Apparently the arrangement of the furniture in this spot was special to her in that it provided support for her to get herself to sitting and rise again. Heidi and I got up to leave, glad to assist her. The woman chatted a bit and within a few sentences, the woman had provided a good lead for a possible job for Heidi. Heidi and I looked at each other with delight and knowing. Wow! Look at that– already Heidi was attracting leads for what was next! Later I learned that Heidi took that as a sign from the Universe that she would be ok. All this within about two hours from the incident leaving her job.

Pretty Cool! Uplifting for me and I have been sharing the story to keep my energy focused on flowing good and to spread it around.

It is so much fun to reach for positive thoughts, enjoy where we are and watch for more Good to flow. Do you have stories that illustrate this point? Please share one at jpearl@streamofyes.com. Inspiration, joy! YAY!



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