Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Enjoying  Law of Attraction


“That which is like unto itself is drawn”[1]

Dear Readers, I imagine many of you are becoming more conscious of how to use the awe-inspiring power of law of attraction. In all these posts I write about how

Near Taylor Creek, 30 x 40, $725

Near Taylor Creek, 30 x 40, $725

I steer toward feeling better and then allow law of attraction to work– bringing unto me what I want.

Those who use these teachings associate law of attraction (LOA) with our wanting of “important” things– the red shiny car, the fabulous new job, the great home, etc.

As Abraham says, “We can be or do or have anything we want.”

Abraham focuses me on the present moment and feeling as good as I can as I walk my path.

Law of attraction works when I feel good, free, happy– it works when I concentrate on creating, when I work on a task, when I am allowing satifaction to flow through me.

I admit some juicier items I want that at present are in the process of becoming. Currently I want to attract a lovely light-filled space to call my home.

Meantime, I encourage you to notice every day examples of LOA at work.

Read here about my recent Saturday:

Early on I burned myself just a bit when I ironed an item of clothing. Then in a few minutes I poured water from my electric pot, an action I perform several times a day, and burn my hand with hot steam.

Waking up to seeing I was attracting burns, I became conscious and the series stopped there.

Later that day I tripped over a couple of things– again realizing what was happening and then stopped doing that.

An avid swimmer, a few days before I receive the idea to learn the butterfly stroke. Would the swim instructor at the city pool be able to teach me that?

This day as I walked into the supermarket, there stood that teacher. Yes she assured me she would be delighted to show me that stoke.

Just the night before I attended an art show at a venue new to me. With a smile I had asked the curator how to apply for a show there. During the food store shopping a man walked by with a tee shirt sporting the name of the company where I planned to apply for an exhibit. What are the chances of that? Just a coincidence? Yes and it demonstrates law of attraction.

No big deal really– yet I felt joy as I became aware… and in the writing of this post.

Wouldn’t it be fun to make a point of noticing these “events” in the flow of your life? Feel good observing, more will follow. What fun to practice another way to enjoy your days!

[1] Hicks, Esther and Jerry, The Astonishing Power of Emotions, (Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, Inc, 2007) p. 42




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