Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Early Stage of Dating and Soothing the Heart


Pink Evolving, 24 x 30, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas

Pink Evolving 2011

Because my girlfriend Mary Kay and I are both dating, I had extra help raising my awareness to an outdated tape from the culture that I ran in my head and uplifted this week. Mary Kay had come home from a date and soon thereafter started believing “He is just not that into me”. She and I had talked, I had listened to the account, and I did not believe her assessment of the situation was as true as it sounded to her. From some of the things she told me he said and did, I thought he did like her.

Then this week I had a date ( aside: the man had the same first name as Mary Kay’s male interest!- no lie) and soon after I got home I heard myself express a similar sentiment “I don’t think he liked me that much.” This thought sounded and felt so true! But wait! I had just heard about Mary Kay thinking that way and for her as an objective listener, I could easily tell it was not the case. Hmmm… What did I do?

  • I appreciated that I noticed! I dubbed the phenomenon “Girl Nuts”.
  • I focused in on enjoying my day to day life– so rich in wonderful things- clients for healing, painting, friends calling, gardening, walks in nature, etc.

Then into the next day I recalled when my date first laid eyes on me. At that moment he looked very glad to see me and his gaze was admiring. It came to me– in the privacy of my mind I could keep playing the picture of his admiring look over and over for myself.  Why not think that instead of the one about whether he likes me? Inside I saw his big smile greeting me with an appreciative gaze.

Know what? Four days later he called. He wanted to thank me for a good time and would I like to go out with him again. The appreciative gaze was better guidance than the “Girl Nuts” outdated stuff.

Take Aways for you, Dear Reader:

  • Do not believe everything you think!
  • If you find yourself thinking a disapproving thought, a thought you do not want, look for another preferable thought, image or feeling and review that in your mind or
  • Dive into fun pursuits, concentrate on something compelling, involve yourself elsewhere in your life or
  • Appreciate yourself and your world– be specific ( and possibly long-winded!) or
  • Do all of these!
  • Keep going!

Tune in another time to hear whether I like him!

Have a reaction to this small victory? Please share your comments or upbeat stories, I love to hear from you. jpearl@streamofyes.com

















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