Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Aware of the Bounty


We become more aware of the bounty flowing to us.  Want to join in and notice yours? We create our lives tuning to this Good surrounding all. And then…

Here one woman notices abundance of fun flowing her way over just a short while…. 

Riverview Waynesboro, 16 x 20, $475

Riverview Waynesboro, 16 x 20, $475

I.  Magically a Song Appears

At Christmas time Mavey listened to Christmas carols on the radio. All those familiar tunes somehow it triggered her memory of a time when she was exposed to a new one– “I want a hippopotamus.” That holiday when she first heard the song she was singing with a group of friends. On the way home from the gathering it played within ten minutes on the radio. Yowser! What a wild phenomenon –she had never heard it before but there it was again!

Now it was years later– she was recalling that time.  To reminisce she played it on youtube. Here is the punchline– the very  next day” I want a hippopotomas” was independently posted On Facebook by one of her friends– from youtube with a video– wow it was an amazing “coincidence!” She had thought about this unusual tune– and then it appeared!

II.  Ease in Decorating

Our star needs a rug for her living room. She had begun to shop in stores– nothing struck her as worth purchasing.

In her yoga class she mentioned the search. A friend pipes up he is moving and has rugs to sell — just the right size for her space.  Pictures are sent– then he agrees to bring them over.  Within a week the rugs are laying in her living room for her to view, a choice of two.–

To her amazement she wants them both! Ha  she had thought her taste was  tough to satisfy but — Presto Chango– two carpets delivered, the right size and in her taste– great– with prices dramatically below market value!

III.  Attend to Surroundings

Sitting in a parking lot, our heroine noticed a shopper put two boxes full of flowering plants into her car. Mavey filled with delight– so many colorful petals and guessed they were gifts for the upcoming holiday–How generous!

In the broader view our friend spied in the background many trees laden with happy blossoms recently popped and the forsythia and daffodils. Generosity, beauty all there for the basking.. and she was delighted to notice.

IV.  Manifesting a Dryer

Mavey used her dryer– she knew it was not a new appliance. Two cycles through and the clothes got almost dry. Good enough she thought. Then one laundry day the clothes remained quite wet after two spins.

Oh dear. She needed a newer dryer. Within two days a friend visited. The guest  reported that she and her husband planned a renovation, including their laundry area. New appliances were part of the plan. She asked if I knew anyone who needed a dryer…

Wow! Two days later — a dryer offer was so fast! The house project calls for a couple of months before it is time for the dryer to leave– and that was fine with Mavey.

Meanwhile she realized that if she include fewer towels at a load her current dryer functioned well enough for the wait.  Amazing!

V. Immediate Support and Healing Self Blame

Early in the morning Mavey was online setting up the schedule for her next class.  Typing away she plugged in the date and time to the template on the meeting site, published and then announced it.  Immediately up came the screen for the appointment and in horror she saw the logistics posted were entirely incorrect– wrong day and time.

She tried to fix it and the new software on the site did not cooperate.

Pause here. Inside her Mavey felt her habitual pull to get upset and rail against herself for her stupidity and for “making a mistake.”

Wait! She decided to breathe.

She wrote a colleague who knows better how to correct errors on this site.

Reaching for calm, she walked away from the laptop and went to create her morning shake– carrying her phone with her to the kitchen.

In about two minutes the phone dinged. Sure enough an email showing that colleague had already remedied the incorrect posting.

Wow rescued so quickly! Support instantly available! Yowser!

And How wonderful to skip the self blame– a new way of living!

Noticing the flow to you? Of what good things are you aware? Please  comment– share lists of the wonders you behold or your stories!

So much BOUNTY in which to bask!


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