Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

The Universe Delights Us


We practice reaching for thoughts that feel better as we appreciate more and more. For fun this article recounts the experience from one woman’s life demonstrating the juicy flow that shows up when we prime the pump of Good.

First Chapter

Getting Frisky II, 242 x 30, $595

Gloriana had an acquaintance, Margaret, grow into a friendship when M asked for help with a scary bodily condition on Facebook. G offered to help; M accepted and benefited.  How wonderful!

Meanwhile some time later, G received a bag of gently worn clothing some of which were not a good color for her. “Oh my,” exclaimed Gloriana, “this piece goes with M’s hair!”

Our star G wanted to deliver the item but kept forgetting it. Oops.  At last, G organized herself and put this offering in her vehicle ready to go.

Then the moment came when G met M and handed off the precious shirt.

Drum roll—Margaret pulled out the garment and smiled big time. Gloriana thought, “Wow I need sunglasses for the radiance coming from her face- it was a hit!”

The next day G learned on Facebook that M was having a birthday that week. Oh my!

After thinking of it for part of a year, Gloriana brought this item for M the day before her birthday—what a coincidence!

There’s more:

During that conversation Margaret referred G to a woman who wanted to find practice clients for a therapeutic modality for which she was pursuing certification. If accepted,  G  would be eligible for three free sessions in that mind body healing area of study. What fun– “What a great opportunity for me,” our heroine G thought.

In this flow of fun the healer did select Gloriana for the free sessions. As they were scheduled, Gloriana realized the healing times were slated for Her birthday week. How cool!

Neither Gloriana nor Margaret had intended to get one another birthday gifts. Isn’t it delightful to notice somehow that exchange was manifest! Each loved the gift and each relished the serendipity flowing! What a kick!

Point to Readers:

  1. Bask in the Good Pouring In, Around and Through
  2. Appreciate what you can in the moment
  3. Watch for what the Universe offers you–Notice and enjoy what shows up.

Do you feel moved to share some of what you notice? Please comment. As we recount these tales, all are uplifted.

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