Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Recovery and Gifts


New Pattern, 24 x 30, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas, SOLD

New Pattern, 24 x 30, SOLD

We have the power to transform negative emotions so that they need not color our perceptual lens for long. We stand in awe of our ability to steer ourselves back to knowing the Good. Though practiced at growth, Gail again was wowed with how much Good flowed to her as she changed her thinking. Review her account below:

Gail belonged to a spiritual support group. The leader of that group issued an email to members requesting that each take volunteer

jobs to assist with bringing income into the group, including sales of raffle tickets, baked goods and more.

G found the prospect of these jobs burdensome and a bit depressing. She felt pressured to do more than what she could easily offer. Those projects were not fun for her, and she wanted to enjoy what she could. It was important to her that she focus on where she can contribute her strengths and those areas that made her happy.

With curiosity she observed that she was more upset than the leader’s missive seemed to warrant. Our heroine felt an impulse to quit the group altogether, to withdraw from the whole thing. If she sat quietly for a bit, could she discern what was really bothering her?

Breathing in and out Gail meditated. She reached for soothing herself. Oh my, she felt afraid of being forced to do what she felt was not best for her. It is ok to be afraid. Breathe in and out.

As she came back into present time, she followed her ritual of pulling an oracle card. Wow, the card she chose articulated just what she had been observing in the group leader. That person was trying too hard, pushing for group goals that were too much beyond what presented. One key sentence from the card booklet read, “Don’t let fear that your desire won’t manifest cause you to try to bend life to your own will…. Instead just show up—be present. Attend to what is before you in each moment.”[1]

The card articulated her feeling so well. How refreshing!  Somehow, she felt understood. And then she took a short nap.

Upon waking, something so simple and empowering popped into her mind, “If I am asked directly to sign up for these projects, I can decline. I can say, ‘I don’t want to do those things at this time.’ ”

Prepared now to stand up for herself, she again found her groove. G wanted to move to music as she prepared her breakfast. Then off she went to the group meeting.

Our dear woman had shifted, and the Universe supplied her more gifts that day. The lecture that morning felt perfect to reinforce the inner work Gail had done.

How can we each become more resilient as we experience a bit of what we do not want?

When we notice a habit of thought not serving us, we can make up new formulations! We can attune to what the Universe continues to provide for us—the sun rises, new opportunities flow, synchronicity abounds!

The group exchanged strategies for getting through stubbornness, anger and fears.

Gail was delighted to share her tools (ones she had used just hours earlier) and listen to those experiences of others. Our star felt connected then and respected, part of the human cohort reaching beyond immediate self-protection.

Really cool to notice that so much went well. Much enjoyment and good vibe—our heroine returned to well being and then Good flowed to her!

Worth noticing! Worth recovering!

Are you active in observing if you are feeling good in this moment? As we notice we don’t feel well, can we observe what we are thinking?What thoughts are running? Can we soothe ourselves and shift? Please report in! We support one another.

[1] Alana Fairchild, Rumi Oracle Guidebook, (Victoria, Australia: Blue Angel Publishing, 2016) p.141

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