The beauty of appreciating is that it fills you with feeling good, brings up your spirits. When you play with appreciating, you are building more neural pathways in your brain. It becomes easier and easier to identify and find what you like. You are stoking the engine of positive vibrations. Keep your focus on activities, things or attributes, people that make you feel good.
Always available is looking for what I can appreciate in others. When I can, saying it to them directly is powerful for them– so few notice and articulate the good things we say, do and be.
Even more of a game changer has been my looking for actions and attributes to praise in myself. I’ve discovered I love compliments! I love being told I am Good, being seen as Good . Anytime I relish any comment that reflects that to me.
As I build momentum with a practice of appreciating, all manner of Good flows to me. This creates “Good Luck”. This is the key behind people who say and live “Things are always working out for me”.
Recently I led an effort by a few of us to salvage a rental space. The prospect of being able to stay in the space looked grim. In a series of letters to the landlord I began with a number of appreciations of his actions, explained our problem, welcomed his input and ended with more appreciations. Over about a month’s time and between the letters, I also kept my mind on appreciating other aspects of my life and kept my mind on how good my life was, how much I had to enjoy. Yes I had a vision of an outcome I wanted and I knew I would be fine anyway. As I appreciated, I felt good in that moment and that was satisfying.
After the letters we met with the landlord: the results of that session astonished me. The building owner offered an enormous level of generosity and positive solutions for the situation– it was even more than we had envisioned. As we walked away, I knew that I had tapped into the awesome power of appreciation.
Recommendation: Conduct an experiment. During your day pick out things to appreciate about the people you encounter. Perhaps, take an opportunity to speak someone of them aloud. See how it feels. Observe what happens.
Please keep in touch. Let me know how it goes. I love to hear from you. I will share aggregated results on this blog.– that will be fun! Write to me at