Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Spiritual Emissions


Orange Tree Out Back, 12 x 16 , Acrylic

Orange Tree Out Back, 12 x 16 , Acrylic

What vibration we put forth wherever we go matters so much. We all have heard about caring for the Earth by being “green” (recycling,  monitoring our use of resources, etc).  I attend to our dear planet by living into my beliefs about Good surrounding me,

aka perceiving the best wherever I go in others and in myself.

Recently a young man stood earnestly telling me how he wants to sell his car and thereby further reduce his carbon footprint.

He wants to transport himself by bicycle just as much as he can and for destinations beyond his riding reach, use public transportation.

I reflected back to him how I see him wanting to live his principles. I admire that. It requires a lot of focus and persistence.

By way of sharing a principled life, I began sharing what has been my focus: caring about what attitude I “emit” when I am with another.

As you readers know, I want to feel good, appreciate the person I behold. I would rather see the good in myself. I like looking for evidence of Good around me. Offering the  benefit of the doubt to others and myself energizes me. I smile alot :).

We listened to one another intently.

If I feel grumpy, if I speak out of impatience, that has an effect– it is an emission!

If I am judging, does it radiate from me the way that a beam of appreciation does?

I care about my spiritual emissions.

It’s a practice. I have to pay attention to the way I feel and if I feel less than good– I reach for a thought with which to inspire myself and improve my outlook.

I remind myself of great people.

Recently a good friend sent me a link to an interview with Ben Ferencz who is reported to be the last living prosecutor from the Nuremberg Trials. Currently he is 97 years old.

Since serving as a prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials at age 27, he has devoted his life to promoting and institutionalizing ways to enforce international law.  For example he was instrumental in the creation of the international court in the Hague which was established in 1998. He has been working, speaking, writing, advocating to stand up to genocide and is still at it.  He does not believe in getting discouraged.

To read more about him go to http://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-the-last-nuremberg-prosecutor-alive-wants-the-world-to-know/

I want to be as articulate, energetic and brilliant when I am in my nineties!

Isn’t it great that that we have models among us for those who exemplify clean spiritual emissions?  And does it inspire you to make your own “footprint” more pure?  You are all on that path as you read and play with the suggestions in this blog.

In what ways did you express love for yourself today? Please file reports of your research in the comments section. We light up one another’s lives!

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