Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Tips for Recovery of Good Feeling

Pink Hailing, 9 x 12, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas

Pink Hailing 2010

Whether you are actively using the Abraham teachings or not, you probably experience emotional upset and want to recover. What do you do for yourself?

Here are some things I do:

1.  Take a nap

2. Get a good night’s rest

3. Read a novel– mystery, love story, adventure– all three? 🙂

4. Exercise- move my body

5. Use an art to move energy- like Jin Shin Jyutsu

6. Let time pass

7. Call a friend who will support and lift you

8. Appreciate anything in your life

9. Appreciate yourself

10. Ask a friend to appreciate you, one who can

11. List good things in your life.

12. Play with a pet.

13. Remember a time when you felt strong, calm, good and play the memory in your mind.

I improved my mood by creating this life for the blog! I would love to hear your stories, what you use to lift. Want to share one? Please write to me at jpearl@streamofyes.com. Put “blog response” in the subject line so I know you are not spam. 🙂







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