Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Things Flowing for Our Good

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Mauve Rosco II, 9 x 12, $ 120

Mauve Rosco II, 9 x 12, $ 120

Wow, I relish noticing how things flow for our good. As I practice appreciating, I see even more going well for me and quickly. Daily in my quiet time I list three columns of what I appreciate. During my day I look for people and events that inspire me.

One morning I began my contemplation noticing where I was. 

That morning, writing in my journal, I expressed how I felt more alone than I preferred. I asked the Forces of Good to offer me more emotional satisfaction.I had just penned the sentence requesting assistance when the phone rang. Who’s calling? A close friend inquired whether I would like to meet her later in the day to view my art exhibit together.  After the call I went back to my quiet corner and pulled two oracle cards: Perfect Timing and Emotional Healing. How perfect! I felt yet another kiss on the cheek from Forces of Good.

Then an hour later another friend called. More time passed, then a different dear one rang me. That day I got so much attention and it felt great.

I asked the Universe and bim bam boom I got results so fast! Yowser! Then I can goose up the results by recalling I attracted that result.

What happened here:

There is an atmosphere created by the daily practice. Emotions from living life, experiencing the contrast flow through me. I feel into them and acknowledge. I  know more clearly what I want.  I let it be.  I love noticing what could be called “everyday” miracles.  I love noticing what flows to me.

Do you want to share what is flowing easily to you? Go ahead and make the connection between how you have been thinking and what comes to you.  To comment,  go to the bottom of this post, click on ” read in browser”. Scroll to the bottom of the post there and there will be comment box. Then it is easy to type a response to me and click! I love how I get more good when I look for it.






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