Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

The Running Shower

Road to Pink Hills, 2014

Road to Pink Hills, 24 x 30, Acrylic on Canvas, $525

In my childhood I was trained to please my mother– pleasing my mother meant I was a good girl and I wanted to please her in those days. Since then –I admit it: I have spent much of my lifeforce aspiring to be “a good girl.”

Now I want to feel good.  I live more and more consciously with the laws of the universe. At times I find myself not feeling good. I sense into it — whether the words of this or just the sense of the internal voice “I am not doing it right. I am less than wonderful. In that moment I am not feeling good about myself because my mood has dipped ”

Wait! No!

As I wake up to my experience I see that I can say that better. This is not the truth– this is just a habit of mind running. Phew! Nothing is going wrong! ( and never does)

Instead: I tune to these statements:

Well-Being pours down around me 24/7.

I am a part of that flow.

I am woven into the fabric of the Abounding Good.

Ernest Holmes said, “Only Good comes to me and goes out from me.”[1]

Were I to think some version of feeling lousy about myself some sense of ” I am not a good girl”— as I did much of the past– I am merely running a habit of thought. With this new understanding of living, I notice habits of thought, and I practice new more satisfying formulations. Isn’t’ that great to know?

Wait I can say that even better!: More practice of thinking that leads to better feeling, thoughts that recognize the Flow of Well Being.

One can start by saying “It’s ok to feel this way”

It is just a habit of thought.” Now I can imagine stepping under a running shower. That Shower is flushing me with Good Feeling.  Nothing’s going wrong. Things work out for me.

I came from source Energy to live on Planet Earth, to experience and that includes feeling things I do not want. As I do, I learn what I prefer, what I want, and with that the Universe and I both expand. The universe grows as I leaurn new ideas and want new things. Isn’t that fun to know?

Feeling off? Step into the Shower! Do you enjoy picturing yourself turning on the faucet and getting under the flow.

I am always part of the Abounding Good. I am ALWAYS– all ways– good. All I have to do is tune into the Good flowing as a shower.

Readers may want to reread the post “Running Straight and True: Attune to Good” for further help in how to refocus to feeling better while under the Showerhead 🙂 !

Questions or Comments? Please write to jpearl@streamofyes.com. Let’s share stories of Good together.







[1]Holmes, Ernest, How to Change your Life, p. 263

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