Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

The Juice of Bargains

Energy Legs, acrylic, 20 x 24, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas, SOLD

Energy Legs, acrylic, 20 x 24, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas, SOLD

Do you love to get bargains? I do for sure. When I moved to VA and no longer went each morning to a nine to five place of employment, I needed different clothes. When I worked full time, commuting an hour to downtown, I needed lots of dress up clothing. Those and clothes in which to garden and do yard work pretty much constituted my wardrobe. Here in VA, I really had to make up  a new “look”. I needed to shop.  In MA I got some used clothing though largely shopped retail. Here there are stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army which accept donations for resale. Cheshire cat grin– I am really good at finding lovely things in these stores.

I love these acquisitions. I often find designer brand tops and jeans. On special occasions I find incredibly gorgeous hand knit items: once a fabulous soft hand knit orange red shawl… early on in my living here I found an afghan throw of hand knit squares arranged with an artist’s eye. Each season I shop to acquire some “new” things to freshen my wardrobe and lift my mood.

It is kind of cute. You wouldn’t think someone who concentrates intensely on her “spiritual” focus would write about this material stuff– one might say to me “Wow I had no idea you were so materialistic?” Know what I realized this week? I think about this because I enjoy it so much. I feel good when I think about it. I can rely on this topic to brighten my mood.

Example: I love that Ann Taylor top I found recently black with a deep v neck, stylish, great fit– makes me happy! I wear the Calvin Klein jeans all the time. This year a friend told me she tried on a pair of jeans somewhere and thought the tag said $27. It was $270!!! and I paid $4 for mine and love them!

I buy this stuff and then I review what I bought. Sometimes if the mood strikes, I make lists of them in my journals. Why? Because it feels good. It helps me maintain my vibration.

I am having fun writing this blog piece. It strikes me funny that I would write about bargain hunting– Here the voices “Yea, she is really profound.”

My secret for finding stuff: I go shop in a spirit of fun, I recall I often find great stuff and I don’t care deeply if I do this particular time because I do so often. I play.

I even talk about this stuff on occasion at events I run. This all comes easily for me. I love seeing how the Universe provides for me. How great life flows for me! Did I mention that I found a pair of Ralph Lauren jeans in a size smaller than I usually wear– fit me perfectly and did not even require hemming ( usually jeans do)??

Look at all this validation of how life flows for me! Picture me as the Pillsbury Dough Girl holding her tummy, rolling on the floor laughing. Things go well for me.

Do you have something in your life that you love to think about? Some of my students use their grandchildren, some use their horse. One woman loves to do puzzles. One man just loves to appreciate the scenery on the way to work and another conjures holding a fishing pole grooving on the quiet. One guy just thinks about his boat.

What do you love? I recommend thinking about it alot.

If you want to comment or share what you love, please write to jpearl@streamofyes.com. Things are working out well for you, too.




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