Trust me: I do not watch every video sent to me. Up to now I had not recommended one on this blog. Today I am plugging one. Go to Good New Network ( Under “Celebrities”, find “Katy Perry and Girl with Autism Bring Down the House.”
Not to spoil the surprise… but I have listened to music content about 8 times since I found this yesterday.
Today, teaching the Abraham class I had students call up songs that lift them when they hear them. I reminded them, too, that we can run songs for ourselves in our heads without playing them on the outside. Please take a minute in your quiet time and find one of those tunes for yourself. Then you have it handy to use as needed. Currently, I play the theme song for Abraham seminars in my head as I wake– I do this because I have so much good feeling associated with that song. What I focus on I bring to myself.
A Beatles tune? Places I remember? A John Phillips Sousa march? What floats your boat?
I’d love to hear what songs do it for you. Please write me at Singing off…