Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Noticing Successes

Pink Hailing, 9 x 12, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas

Pink Hailing, 9 x 12, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas, $120

In the last few days Mandy happily came home for lunch: she was between exercise and errands, then appointments in the afternoon. She likes listening to audio book compact disks in the car and when she’s listening at an especially enjoyable passage, she brings the cd inside to continue listening.

After whipping up steamed veggies and a piece of meatloaf for the noon meal, Mandy went out to drive over to her office to see a client. As she walked, she fished around for her key and did not find it. Hmmm– and in a moment mystery ended– it was there in the ignition.  But oops… a quick look, a twist of the wrist– she knew this car was not going anywhere really fast– battery had been drained. The key had gotten left in an “on” position while she had focused on the audio player.

Quickly she called her client and in a stroke of good luck it was possible for that dear person to come to get her at home and take her to the office, then return her. Then she called her next booking, a session for herself, to cancel that. The client took some money off her fee for the ride– Mandy made that booking work.

After returning home, Mandy contacted AAA and received the service to recharge her car. Soon the whole incident was behind her.

As Mandy adjusted her schedule, made the calls she took in the sunny spring day and felt the ideal comfortable temperature– a beauty! All around trees were loaded with blossoms; the birds titters created glorious background sounds.  During the shared car ride, her client and she chattered away and had a grand time. By the end of the session the two felt more closely connected.

Punch line: In her past Mandy would have been very upset at having “screwed up” and “wrecking” her schedule. Filled with shame, she would review her transgressions, feel disturbed and distracted. Certainly she would not have noticed the beauty of the day. Instead on this occasion she kept relishing her life. She was able to stay on her own side, making it ok to have spaced out with the car key.

Wow, Wow! She realized this was an entirely different quality of life. Letting it go; making herself ok; staying balanced; continuing on. She had worked for these abilities for many years. Eureka! She had fun during the “incident”– yowser! things are so much better when she skipped the shame!

To learn how Mandy reached this place, please keep reading the posts on this blog. ( Pay attention to the way you feel– learn how to steer yourself to feeling better– appreciate alot) Do you want to share a story of success that you have noticed? Please write to jpearl@streamofyes.com.  Progress feels fabulous! I notice the specific pay off and I notice that I attracted it. Hee Haw!


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